Setting PHP-Nuke Platinum Permissions

Setting Persmissions - Please Wait ...

Attempting to set permissions on folder /files to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /includes/ps_upload to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on file /includes/smtp.php to 666...Success
Attempting to set permissions on file /config.php to 644...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /modules/Classifieds/imageads to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /modules/Classifieds/imagecatg to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /modules/Forums/cache to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /modules/Forums/images/avatars to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on file /modules/Forums/language/lang_english/lang_faq.php to 666...Success
Attempting to set permissions on file /modules/Forums/language/lang_english/lang_rules.php to 666...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /modules/Supporters/images/supporters to 777...Success
Attempting to set permissions on folder /modules/Universal/images/uploaded to 777...Success

Double check that all permissions were successfully set.

Once you have completed the remaining steps, Delete the "SETPERMISSIONS.PHP" file and the INSTALL directory.
Close this Window to return to the Installer.