Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Fake the caption bar of a borderless form
How to store records in a TList when their number is unknown until runtime
Resize a *.jpg image and save the result to a file (2)
Get the number of occurrences of a substring within a string
How to turn the CapsLock on and off


Listázott cikkek: 650-700
Article Title
699 Differentiate between a Windows shutdown and a user's close request (Views: 27)
2539 Differentiating Between the Two ENTER Keys (Views: 27)
2608 Direct File Access with a StringGrid (Views: 29)
763 Directory related functions and procedures (Views: 28)
1476 Disable a form movement (Views: 27)
134 Disable form movement when the screen resolution exceeds 800x600 pixel (Views: 27)
1713 Disable hints in a TTreeView (Views: 28)
2421 Disable Keyboard and Mouse (Views: 27)
1962 Disable the close button of a TForm (Views: 27)
635 Disable the close button on a floating dock form (Views: 27)
274 Disable the functionality of a TForm to move (Views: 27)
462 Disable the functionality of sizing a form at runtime (Views: 29)
1074 Disable the IDE splash screen (Views: 27)
555 Disable the main form while a dialog box is shown (Views: 27)
2598 Disable the mouse wheel (Views: 28)
257 Disable the select and copy to clipboard capabilities in a TMemo (Views: 27)
1824 Disable the transparent part of a TSpeedButton from clicking (Views: 27)
2296 Disabling a TMemo without getting gray text (Views: 28)
203 Disabling an event handler once it has executed once (Views: 27)
2071 Disabling the system keys from your application (Views: 28)
1077 Display a *.hlp file on a TForm (Views: 27)
808 Display a long path as "c:\...\path\myfile.txt" (Views: 27)
2387 Display a long text in a TLabel with an end ellipsis (Views: 28)
1855 Display a modal form stored in a DLL (Views: 27)
1144 Display a popup menu at a certain position in a TTreeView (Views: 28)
313 Display a Property dialog for file, folder or drive (Views: 29)
870 Display a sort order indicator in the column header of a TListView (Views: 28)
1784 Display a sort order indicator in the column header of a TListView (2) (Views: 28)
2444 Display custom hint messages in a TOpenDialog (Views: 28)
1209 Display different hints for each node in a TTreeView (Views: 28)
1526 Display different splash screens anytime during program execution (Views: 27)
1245 Display forms full screen (Views: 27)
2177 Display hierarchical drive information in a TTreeView (Views: 28)
1444 Display hints on the title bar of a TForm (Views: 30)
1407 Display multiple lines in a single cell of a TStringGrid (Views: 27)
1927 Display text diagonally (Views: 27)
1645 Display text in any angle (Views: 29)
551 Display the full text search tab of a help file (Views: 27)
58 Display the multimedia properties from the control panel (Views: 27)
1791 Display the window of another application in a Delphi form (Views: 29)
2648 Display tooltips for dropped-down TComboBox items (Views: 27)
2282 Display WYSIWYG fonts in a list box (Views: 27)
1279 Displaying Custom Exceptions Dialogs and write Exceptions to the NT Event Log (component set) (Views: 28)
1849 Distributable COM Objects on Remote Machines (Views: 27)
856 Distributing the BDE with your application (Views: 27)
2353 Divide a file into 1.44 mb volumes (Views: 30)
1352 DLLs: Import dynamic or static (Views: 28)
2314 Do you want TWAIN? (Views: 28)
464 Does a string looks like an integer? (Views: 27)
2614 Download a file from the web to a local drive (Views: 27)

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