Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Highlight an entire row in a TStringGrid
Open a webpage in a webbrowser that's allready active
How to read/ write a variable length string from/ to a TFileStream
Determine if a given TTable has a restricted view
Access the serial port in Windows XP


Listázott cikkek: 800-850
Article Title
124 Fast italian-code-for-companies check function (Views: 28)
1261 Fast sine and cosine calculations (Views: 30)
868 Faster recordcount for sqlserver clientserver applications (Views: 28)
477 Fastest way to search a string in a file (Views: 28)
1811 Files Bigger than 2 gig (Views: 29)
2054 Files used/created by Delphi (Views: 28)
662 Fill a listbox with file names (Views: 30)
2545 Fill a polygon (Views: 29)
1873 Fill a TListView with all files of a given directory along with the system icons (Views: 33)
1024 Fill In Combo Box (Component) (Views: 29)
131 Filling the screen with your form (Views: 29)
985 Filter operation on a lookup field (Views: 30)
1660 Filter Table,Query with Exception Handling (Views: 29)
2117 Filters for 256 color greyscale images (Views: 28)
2344 Find a constant dynamically (Views: 30)
2459 Find a word in an Array of String (Views: 29)
2521 Find a word in an Array of String (Views: 28)
318 Find crosspoint of two lines (Views: 30)
1793 Find files with FindFirst and FindNext (Views: 29)
1636 Find how many (or is) users are connected to Access DB (Views: 29)
1300 Find items in a TTreeView (Views: 30)
284 Find out if IP Address is valid (Views: 29)
2604 Find out what is you IP adress (Views: 30)
1854 Find out which language version of Word is installed (Views: 28)
599 Find the contrasting colour (Views: 29)
2085 Find the contrasting colour (2) (Views: 28)
1624 Find the intersection of two polylines (Views: 28)
195 Find the parent TTabSheet of a control (Views: 29)
1986 Find the TTabSheet in a pagecontrol, an active control is sitting on (Views: 29)
720 Find whole words within a string (Views: 28)
66 Finding a substring in a TStrings (Views: 29)
2547 Finding all computers in a workgroup (Views: 28)
2290 First visible line in a Memo/RichEdit (Views: 28)
1620 First/Last changed File in Folder (Views: 29)
1781 Fix a small bug in TLabel.AutoSize (Views: 30)
448 Fixing a broken generator (InterBase) (Views: 29)
2610 Flash an icon on the Windows Taskbar (Views: 30)
1718 Flat/Hot track effect for components (Views: 30)
1749 Floating toolbar (Views: 30)
1547 Force a drop-down combo to drop its list down (Views: 28)
834 Force a selection of cells in a TStringGrid (Views: 28)
412 Force a TForm and all of its children to repaint (Views: 30)
2401 Form as Application (Views: 30)
2224 Form design for different screen resolutions (Views: 30)
2140 Form scaling and the large fonts/small fonts issue (Views: 29)
902 Form with custom caption bar (Views: 28)
2510 Format a disk (Views: 29)
97 Format Float with Comma (Views: 31)
2472 Formating integers (Views: 31)
1510 Four different ways to load and play sound files (Views: 29)

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