Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

OLE Error: CoInitialize has not been called
Soundex function
Read any MAPI complient emails
Converting Numbers to words
Resize a TForm in steps


Listázott cikkek: 50-100
Article Title
1431 Accessing HotMail from Delphi (Views: 1213)
895 Accessing the Windows Registry (Views: 1213)
2516 Accessing Web Services from URL (Views: 1214)
2563 Accessing web services using SOAP (Views: 1217)
538 Achieve Record locking with Access 2000 (Views: 1212)
944 Achieve Record locking with MSSQL 7 or later (Views: 1212)
2705 ActiveX Intranet (Views: 1216)
2626 Adapting DateTime values for different SQL-Server formats (Views: 1215)
2163 Add a bitmap to a menu item (Views: 1213)
325 Add a bitmap to a menu item (2) (Views: 1214)
2454 Add a button to a TToolBar for each MDI child form created (Views: 1215)
747 Add a drop shadow to your app under XP (Views: 1213)
2700 Add a horizontal scrollbar to a TListBox (Views: 1216)
136 Add a New Menu Item to the System Menu of an Application (Views: 1214)
197 Add a page break to an Excel worksheet (Views: 1215)
1417 Add a password to several Paradox tables in one step (Views: 1213)
962 Add a size grip to a TForm without using a status bar (Views: 1213)
2238 Add a submenu to the system menu of a program (Views: 1214)
2339 Add an extra button to the caption bar of your form (Views: 1214)
1901 Add an image to an Excel spreadsheet (Views: 1219)
1686 Add an item to the menu in Word (Views: 1212)
181 Add controls to a form at runtime and stream the result to a file (Views: 1216)
2706 Add cut copy and paste easy (Views: 1221)
554 Add database aliases to BDE at run time (Views: 1214)
2573 Add formatted line (with TAGs) to TRichEdit - ready function (Views: 1215)
2241 Add Interfaces to a List (Views: 1216)
2618 Add items to a TRadioGroup without adding one item at a time (Views: 1216)
1641 Add items to the Windows Explorer right-click menu (Views: 1214)
299 Add items to the Windows Explorer right-click menu (2) (Views: 1216)
2514 Add Menu Item To Explorer Context Menu (Views: 1212)
1201 Add programs to the Windows start menu (Views: 1213)
1303 Add proxy authorization support to the TNMHTTP component (Views: 1212)
2589 Add Scripting to Your Apps (Views: 1214)
2070 Add separator lines to your code with a Delphi's Code Templates (Views: 1213)
2373 Add style to your application implementing an easter egg (Views: 1214)
2195 Add Taskbar-Button's for SubForms and manage them correctly (Views: 1217)
701 Adding / Deleting Menu Items in OLE-Bound Applications (Views: 1215)
729 Adding a Custom Button to the Caption Bar with System Menu and Hint (Views: 1214)
2103 Adding a datetime part to a TDateTime type variable (Views: 1212)
51 Adding a EXE file into yours and running it (Views: 1216)
1405 Adding a Master Password to a Paradox Table (Views: 1213)
550 Adding an AVI in your EXE File (Views: 1214)
374 Adding an icon to the Windows About dialog (Views: 1213)
1028 Adding an item to the main menu or the tools menu (Views: 1214)
1706 Adding an url to Browser/Windows Favorite (Views: 1215)
2553 Adding custom registry information on registration (Views: 1217)
935 Adding Drag & Drop to a TListBox (Views: 1214)
1093 Adding Drag & Drop to a TListBox (2) (Views: 1215)
456 Adding Explorer Bar (Views: 1212)
1674 Adding Explorer MenuItem (Views: 1212)

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