Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to create only one instance of a MDI child form (3)
Disabling the system keys from your application
Installer problem: '-115 error'
Various color conversion routines
Print a TMemo, TStringlist, TStrings


Listázott cikkek: 1050-1100
Article Title
424 How to calculate the age based on the date of birth (Views: 1216)
2210 How to calculate the approximate date of birth given the age (Views: 1214)
223 How to calculate the area of a polygon (Views: 1214)
825 How to calculate the bounding box for every character in a rotated text (Views: 1213)
376 How to calculate the current week (Views: 1216)
1613 How to calculate the elapsed time between 2 DateTime fields (Views: 1213)
446 How to calculate the line length of a TRichEdit (Views: 1217)
581 How to calculate the minimum distance between two polygons (Views: 1215)
1870 How to calculate the week from a given date (Views: 1217)
543 How to call and display a form, when its name is stored in the field of a TTable (Views: 1215)
1909 How to call procedures by name using an array of records (Views: 1213)
789 How to call the help file for the application's help file (Views: 1214)
1708 How to call Windows system dialogs from code (Views: 1213)
345 How to capture the date and time stamp of a file (Views: 1214)
619 How to capture the Desktop and shade it (Views: 1216)
623 How to capture the image in a TWebBrowser (Views: 1213)
764 How to capture the Windows desktop to a form canvas (Views: 1214)
1534 How to capture the WM_CUT, WM_CLEAR and WM_PASTE messages in a TComboBox (Views: 1217)
1004 How to catch windows keystrokes and pass them to an assigned event (Views: 1212)
1627 How to center a TOpenDialog on a form (Views: 1212)
2181 How to centre a MessageBox on a form (Views: 1213)
129 How to change brightness and contrast in large bitmaps (Views: 1212)
435 How to change brightness and contrast in large bitmaps (2) (Views: 1215)
1443 How to change colours in a 16 colour bitmap (Views: 1215)
1530 How to change contrast in a colour image (Views: 1214)
757 How to change file attributes (Views: 1214)
502 How to change property values (RTTI) (Views: 1215)
1350 How to change the appearance of the focus rectangle in a TDBGrid (Views: 1214)
1737 How to change the button caption in a TOpenDialog (Views: 1216)
841 How to change the caption of a MessageDlg (Views: 1213)
1748 How to change the client area of a TListBox (Views: 1212)
380 How to change the color of a menu (Views: 1215)
1519 How to change the color of the selection in a TCheckListBox (Views: 1215)
1452 How to change the colour luminance or brightness (Views: 1218)
687 How to change the colours of a bitmap that is loaded into a TImage (Views: 1213)
2174 How to change the corner size of RoundRect (Views: 1217)
2169 How to change the decimal point on a numerical keypad to a comma (Views: 1215)
1656 How to change the default button in a MessageDlg (Views: 1216)
802 How to change the default highlight color of a TListBox (Views: 1213)
56 How to change the directory while a TOpenDialog is open (Views: 1216)
1237 How to change the font color of all components on a form at runtime (Views: 1212)
565 How to change the font size when printing a TRichEdit (Views: 1213)
1770 How to change the highlight colour in a TDBGrid (Views: 1213)
492 How to change the mouse speed (Views: 1218)
471 How to change the node order of a TTreeNode (Views: 1213)
2213 How to change the page orientation in the middle of a print job (Views: 1213)
1499 How to change the Paradox table language driver at runtime (Views: 1214)
2010 How to change the position of the dropdown list of a TComboBox (Views: 1212)
175 How to change the print orientation after BeginDoc and before EndDoc (Views: 1213)
1527 How to change the printer resolution (Views: 1213)

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