Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Detecting simultaneous left and right mouse clicks
How to change the Paradox table language driver at runtime
How to do a SHIFT TAB through code
Give Your Forms a Background
What is DelphiX?


Listázott cikkek: 1800-1850
Article Title
1402 How to save the font settings of a control to the registry (Views: 29)
2218 How to save the position of TCoolBar bands in the registry (Views: 28)
2209 How to save two TStringlists to the same stream (Views: 30)
2138 How to save/restore the form state in/from the registry (Views: 28)
350 How to scroll a TListBox with keyboard FlushLeft, Left, Right, FlushRight (Views: 29)
1595 How to scroll a TMemo through code (Views: 29)
110 How to scroll a TTreeView? (Views: 29)
1450 How to search a string with wildcards (Views: 31)
1015 How to search a TQuery result set (Views: 28)
1458 How to search a TRichEdit for lines with a special pattern and change their colour (Views: 28)
552 How to search an Excel worksheet for cells with a particular value (Views: 31)
144 How to search and replace strings in a TMemo (Views: 29)
407 How to search for a certain font style in a TRichEdit (Views: 29)
2123 How to search for a pattern in a file (Views: 31)
1823 How to search for a string using the Soundex algorithm (Views: 29)
1904 How to select a sound card for the TMediaPlayer when two sound cards are installed (Views: 28)
2183 How to select all rows in a TDBGrid programmatically (Views: 29)
700 How to send a pageup or pagedown to a TListBox (Views: 29)
438 How to send a raw string to the printer (Views: 28)
637 How to send files across the internet using FTP (Views: 30)
2066 How to send key events to any control in a process (Views: 29)
279 How to send mail in HTML format from a Delphi application (Views: 31)
1653 How to send messages to threads (Views: 29)
1795 How to set a string or integer property for a component if it exists (Views: 30)
613 How to set a system-wide font for dialogs (Views: 29)
692 How to set a TEdit or TMemo to overwrite instead of insert (Views: 29)
445 How to set all events of an object to NIL at runtime (Views: 30)
654 How to set all events of an object to NIL at runtime (2) (Views: 31)
780 How to set all tables linked to a TDatabase back to active (Views: 29)
1662 How to set focus on a MessageDlg button (Views: 29)
653 How to set tab stops in a TMemo (Views: 33)
2132 How to set tabstops in a TRichEdit (Views: 31)
1293 How to set the date stamp of a file equal to the date stamp of another (Views: 30)
1084 How to set the default printer in Windows (Views: 30)
1619 How to set the DisplayFormat of a TDateTime field to time only at runtime (Views: 29)
657 How to set the item index in a TRadioGroup without firing the OnClick event (Views: 28)
1814 How to set the item index in an alpha sorted TComboBox when searching incrementally (Views: 31)
1411 How to set the master volume (Views: 33)
1918 How to set the PixelsPerInch property of a TPrinter (Views: 32)
766 How to set the port for a specific printer (Views: 30)
233 How to set the printer paper size (Views: 28)
668 How to set the printer paper size (2) (Views: 29)
306 How to set the private directory to the applications' subdirectory (Views: 29)
338 How to set the properties of a component at runtime (Views: 31)
1046 How to shift focus between buttons programmatically (Views: 28)
161 How to show a hint window programmatically (Views: 29)
322 How to simulate a PrintScreen key press (Views: 28)
756 How to simulate combobox behaviour with a TEdit (Views: 28)
1488 How to sort a TCheckListBox without loosing the check state (Views: 30)
2173 How to sort a TList (Views: 31)

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