Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to save a password to the registry
How to get data from a file without reading it into memory
How to rotate a 2D point
256bit keys for strong encryption
Description of Instancing and Threading Models in COM-servers


Listázott cikkek: 150-200
Article Title
214 Attaching captions to non visual objects (Views: 28)
2682 Attaching to COM from a DLL (Views: 27)
2302 Attributes/Advantages Of COM (Views: 27)
758 Auto Hide Form (Views: 28)
1584 Auto increment the Build Number (Views: 27)
2423 Auto-search in ComboBox or ListBox (Views: 28)
1820 Automate word 8 (aka word97)? (Views: 27)
188 Automatically capitalize the first letter of every word when typing in the field of a TStringGrid (Views: 27)
1210 Automatically loading a form "on demand" (Views: 27)
1058 Auxiliary TQuery used with queries built at run time (Views: 27)
1481 AVL-tree generic classes (Views: 27)
2275 Avoid direct input into a TDBGrid when there is a lookup list available (Views: 27)
2371 Avoid direct input into a TDBGrid when there is a lookup list available (2) (Views: 27)
593 Avoid duplicate items in string lists (Views: 27)
1233 Base64 (MIME) Encode and Decode (Views: 28)
1230 Basic authentication in ISAPI/CGI applications (Views: 27)
957 Basic functions of the listbox explained (Views: 27)
685 Batch build multiple projects (Views: 27)
1096 BDE alias info (Views: 27)
2081 BDE API Overview (Views: 28)
310 BDE error codes (Views: 30)
589 BDE error codes by code (Views: 27)
2147 BDE limits (Views: 28)
2358 BDE Safe Configuration check (Views: 27)
100 Beep/Sound in Delphi (Views: 27)
1344 Better way to display [error] messages (Views: 27)
1635 Binary search on an alphasorted TListView (Views: 27)
2645 Bitmap blending (Views: 30)
2622 Bitmap crossfade (Views: 27)
1337 BitmapToRegion (Delphi-like version - very fast) (Views: 27)
2500 Black-Box Miscellaneous Functions and Procedures (Views: 28)
2631 Block mouse clicks to a specific window (Views: 31)
2047 Block-mode in the editor (Views: 27)
2068 BMP's to AVI file for TAnimate (Views: 30)
204 Bold nodes in standard TTreeview component (Views: 28)
1951 Boyer-Moore string searching (Views: 28)
1104 Boyer-Moore-Horspool pattern matching (Views: 28)
76 Bravion - Strong Encryption Algorithm (Views: 27)
2572 Bring up Help Context for particular control (Views: 27)
2048 Bug in StringReplace (Handling Null characters) (fixed) (Views: 27)
2630 Build a Table Tree from Records to Objects (Views: 27)
735 Build a TTreeView from a file (Views: 27)
2713 Building a Fractal Generator (Views: 30)
1532 Building an Easy-to-Use Parser/Parsing Framework (Part I) (Views: 27)
689 Building an Easy-to-Use Parser/Parsing Framework (Part II) (Views: 27)
1188 Buttons with wrapped text - use a TBitBtn (Views: 27)
1575 Bytes to file size (Views: 28)
1418 Calculate a TColor between two other TColors (Views: 28)
2399 Calculate the difference between two time values (Views: 27)
321 Calculate the size of a record (Views: 29)

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