Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to sort a TStringList using the Quicksort algorithm
How to trap mouse clicks on the Desktop when using a system wide mouse hook
Templates Delphi
Save a TBitmap to a WBMP file
Navigation in Delphi's visual designer


Listázott cikkek: 2400-2450
Article Title
1529 Save and load a TTreeView to / from a stream (Views: 28)
130 Save and load the state of a TMenuItem to/ from a TIniFile (Views: 29)
1249 Save and load TListView items to / from a file (Views: 28)
908 Save and load TListView items to / from a file (2) (Views: 27)
137 Save and retrieve a file to/ from a blob field (Views: 29)
2703 Save the printer setting to file (Views: 29)
2283 Save your window size and position (Views: 27)
300 Save/load a font information in INI/text-file (Views: 27)
1427 Saving List Box Data at Runtime (TFileStream) (Views: 27)
2074 Saving raw HTML source from TWebBrowser to disk (Views: 27)
587 Screen capture into a BMP file (Views: 27)
2410 Screen capture of the desktop when multiple monitors are present (Views: 30)
631 Scroll a TForm through code (Views: 28)
1321 Scroll my control without flicker effect (Views: 27)
2322 Scroll text in title bar of a window (Views: 28)
148 SCSI-2 device serial number (Views: 27)
1558 Search and replace (Views: 28)
308 Search and replace text in a Word document (Views: 27)
1507 Search for a keyword in a help file (Views: 27)
2115 Search for a substring in a registry tree (Views: 27)
980 Search for duplicate files on large drives (Views: 27)
2253 Search for shared folders in a network (Views: 27)
1864 Search for text in a TListView item (Views: 27)
2451 Search in MS Word file without MS Word (Views: 27)
966 Search up and down in a TListView (Views: 28)
1971 Searching Strings by the way they sound (Views: 29)
1393 Searching Strings by the way they sound (2) (Views: 29)
2632 Secure Compression for TStringList (Views: 28)
1123 Select a recipient from addressbook (Views: 28)
206 Select an area with similar color (Views: 28)
891 Select first five records from table (Views: 29)
1773 Select multiple rows in a TStringGrid (Views: 41)
1566 Select or find a TTreeView node by caption (Views: 28)
1987 Selecting a printer (Views: 28)
667 Selection Sort (Views: 27)
1454 Send a file from a TServerSocket to a TClientSocket (Views: 29)
2738 Send a VK_BACK keystroke to a TRichEdit (Views: 32)
1178 Send an email from Delphi (Views: 28)
1306 Send an email with an attachment (Views: 27)
896 Send binary data from a CGI application (Views: 28)
1731 Send characters to another control (in any application) (Views: 28)
2341 Send compless strings (all 256 ASCII) to an ASP page (Views: 27)
1968 Send files to the recycle bin (Views: 28)
311 Sending an email from Delphi using MAPI (Views: 28)
2036 Sending an email from Delphi with Outlook (Views: 27)
1914 Sending data from database by portions (Views: 27)
1926 Sending e-mail with attachment using MS Outlook (Views: 27)
2393 Sending Raw IP Packets (Views: 28)
1949 Set a printer settings (Views: 29)
2735 Set a Printer to Duplex Mode (Views: 29)

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