Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to check if a user has administrator rights in NT
Read the content of Internet Explorer's "Favourites" folder
How to identify detail tables linked to a master table
Moveable/Sizable TPanel with standard or color SizeGrip
Retrieve a list of all installed applications


Listázott cikkek: 350-400
Article Title
348 Convert a ADO Recordset to XML and the reverse way (Views: 29)
1490 Convert a decimal number string to a Base36 number string (Views: 30)
596 Convert a Delphi form (from file) to text and vice versa (Views: 31)
2695 Convert a Flash SWF to EXE (Views: 43)
1913 Convert a normal IP Address to a DWord IP Address (Views: 35)
200 Convert a number to text (Views: 32)
1091 Convert a RFC time string into TDateTime and VV (Views: 31)
2520 Convert a string to a mathematical expression and get its result (Views: 35)
2725 Convert a string to a set and vice versa using RTTI (Views: 33)
1623 Convert a Unicode string to a normal string (Views: 33)
1453 Convert a UNIX linefeed delimited text file to a DOS CR/LF delimited file (Views: 31)
414 Convert a WideString to a String (Views: 33)
2136 Convert an INI file to XML (Views: 33)
1295 Convert between RGB and HSB color spaces and back (Views: 32)
365 Convert color value into gray-scaled color value (Views: 31)
2394 Convert from DateTime to RFC822 date (Views: 32)
126 Convert from UNC notation to Drive letter? (Views: 31)
1406 Convert hex color values into Delphi formatted ones (Views: 42)
2627 Convert HTML to RTF (Views: 30)
1335 Convert Listbox.TabWidth to screen pixels (Views: 28)
2292 Convert local TDateTime to GMT/UTC (Views: 31)
2675 Convert long IP addresses to short ones and vice versa (Views: 33)
2168 Convert Numbers To Hebrew (Views: 32)
2252 Convert PDF to Text (Views: 34)
2478 Convert short file names to long ones (Views: 42)
1033 Convert TColor values to hex strings (Views: 33)
240 Convert your boolean values to the meaningful words (Views: 32)
2641 Converting a Bitmap to EMF (Enhanced Metafile) (Views: 33)
2671 Converting a Bitmap to RTF code (Views: 30)
1086 Converting a group of images from a TImageList into one single bitmap (Views: 31)
2297 Converting a integer containing millisecs to a nice formated string (Views: 31)
2605 Converting enumerated type values into strings (Views: 29)
237 Converting Integers to Base n (Views: 29)
1990 Converting MS-Word DOC to RTF using OLE (Views: 29)
2077 Converting Numbers to words (Views: 30)
96 Converting roman notation to a numeric value (Views: 32)
2497 Converting SWF to EXE using Delphi (Views: 33)
539 Converting Text for different Code Pages (Views: 33)
1643 Converting To and From Hexadecimal Numbers (Views: 34)
2438 Coping a record from one Table to Another (Views: 36)
2335 Copy a file using a TFileStream (Views: 33)
703 Copy a file with or without a progressbar (Views: 35)
2621 Copy a menu item from a TMainMenu to an empty popup menu (Views: 31)
1157 Copy a Paradox table with all its family members from one place to another on my system (Views: 31)
2639 Copy a WideString to the clipboard (Views: 34)
2635 Copy all Files in directory (Views: 40)
2749 Copy an Excel range into a two-dimensional array (Views: 30)
2668 Copy an image and text to the clipboard at the same time (Views: 37)
930 Copy directory structures (Views: 33)
324 Copy from the active control to the clipboard (Views: 31)

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