
Cannot access package information for package (Views: 27)


I am attempting to install a new package under Delphi 5 and I get the following error message:
"Cannot access package information for package"

I use Delphi 5 with service pack 1. The package itself compiles without problems until it yields the message above. I get the same problem when trying to install two different packages.
The computer I am working on runs Windows NT 4.0, service pack 6A.


Sometimes happens that one of files produced by compiler is corrupted. And usually this is reflected on dependent packages.

Before 'Cannot access package ...' the status window shows other compile/link error. This should give you some idea what is wrong.

If the package depends on other custom packages, rebuild them first.

If it does not help, delete their associated .DCP files and try again 2.)

If it still does not help, delete the .DCU files, reboot and try again 3.)

Good luck!

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