
How to draw an arc or ellipse with Bezier curves (Views: 1213)


How to draw an arc or ellipse with Bezier curves


Solve 1:

Example for painting an arc:

{Helper Function Draw Arc up to 90 degree}

procedure DrawArcWithBezier(ACanvas: TCanvas; CenterX, CenterY, RadiusX,
  RadiusY, StartAngle, SweepRange: Double; UseMoveTo: Boolean = True);
  TDoublePoint = record
    x, y: Double;
  Coord: array[0..3] of TDoublePoint;
  pts: array[0..3] of TPoint;
  a, b, c, x, y: Double;
  ss, cc: Double;
  i: Integer;

  {x, y = TDoublePoint}
  function DPoint(x, y: Double): TDoublePoint;
    Result.x := x;
    Result.y := y;

  if SweepRange = 0 then
    if UseMoveTo then
      ACanvas.MoveTo(Round(CenterX + RadiusX * cos(StartAngle)),
        Round(CenterY - RadiusY * sin(StartAngle)));
    ACanvas.LineTo(Round(CenterX + RadiusX * cos(StartAngle)),
      Round(CenterY - RadiusY * sin(StartAngle)));
  b := sin(SweepRange / 2);
  c := cos(SweepRange / 2);
  a := 1 - c;
  x := a * 4 / 3;
  y := b - x * c / b;
  ss := sin(StartAngle + SweepRange / 2);
  cc := cos(StartAngle + SweepRange / 2);
  Coord[0] := DPoint(c, b);
  Coord[1] := DPoint(c + x, y);
  Coord[2] := DPoint(c + x, -y);
  Coord[3] := DPoint(c, -b);
  for i := 0 to 3 do
    pts[i] := Point(Round(CenterX + RadiusX * (Coord[i].x * cc + Coord[i].y * ss) - 0.0001), Round(Centery + RadiusY * (-Coord[i].x * ss + Coord[i].y * cc) - 0.0001));
  if UseMoveTo then
    ACanvas.MoveTo(pts[0].x, pts[0].y);
  ACanvas.PolyBezierTo([pts[1], pts[2], pts[3]]);

{Draw Arc with Bezier curves}

function DrawArc(ACanvas: TCanvas; x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4: Integer): TPoint;
  CenterX, CenterY: Double;
  RadiusX, RadiusY: Double;
  StartAngle, EndAngle, SweepRange: Double;
  UseMoveTo: Boolean;
  CenterX := (x1 + x2) / 2;
  CenterY := (y1 + y2) / 2;
  RadiusX := (abs(x1 - x2) - 1) / 2;
  RadiusY := (abs(y1 - y2) - 1) / 2;
  if RadiusX < 0 then
    RadiusX := 0;
  if RadiusY < 0 then
    RadiusY := 0;
  StartAngle := ArcTan2(-(y3 - CenterY) * RadiusX, (x3 - CenterX) * RadiusY);
  EndAngle := ArcTan2(-(y4 - CenterY) * RadiusX, (x4 - CenterX) * RadiusY);
  SweepRange := EndAngle - StartAngle;
  if SweepRange < 0 then
    SweepRange := SweepRange + 2 * PI;
  Result := Point(Round(CenterX + RadiusX * cos(StartAngle)),
    Round(CenterY - RadiusY * sin(StartAngle)));
  UseMoveTo := True;
  while SweepRange > PI / 2 do
    DrawArcWithBezier(ACanvas, CenterX, CenterY, RadiusX, RadiusY, StartAngle, PI / 2, UseMoveTo);
    SweepRange := SweepRange - PI / 2;
    StartAngle := StartAngle + PI / 2;
    UseMoveTo := False;
  if SweepRange >= 0 then
    DrawArcWithBezier(ACanvas, CenterX, CenterY, RadiusX, RadiusY,
      StartAngle, SweepRange, UseMoveTo);

Solve 2:

This is the routine I use to convert a regular ellipse to a Bezier ellipse. It's in reals so you'll need to convert it if you are using an array of TPoint. Points[0] is the start(top left) of the ellipse and Points[2] is the finish(bottom right). The Points in this case are objects so if you are using array of TPoint remove the .AsPoint and replace RealPoint with Point. You'll also need to round some values.

{ ... }
  Kappa = 0.5522847498;
  dx, dy: single;
  orgPt: TPoint;
  dx := (Points[2].x - Points[0].x) / 2;
  dy := (Points[0].y - Points[2].y) / 2;
  orgPt := RealPoint(Points[0].x + (dx), Points[0].y - (dy));
  Points[0].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x - dx, orgPt.y);
  Points[1].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x - dx, orgPt.y + (dy * Kappa));
  Points[2].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x - (dx * Kappa), orgPt.y + dy);
  Points[3].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x, orgPt.y + dy);
  Points[4].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x + (dx * Kappa), orgPt.y + dy);
  Points[5].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x + (dx), orgPt.y + (dy * Kappa));
  Points[6].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x + dx, orgPt.y);
  Points[7].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x + dx, orgPt.y - (dy * Kappa));
  Points[8].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x + (dx * Kappa), orgPt.y - dy);
  Points[9].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x, orgPt.y - dy);
  Points[10].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x - (dx * Kappa), orgPt.y - dy);
  Points[11].AsPoint := RealPoint(orgPt.x - dx, orgPt.y - (dy * Kappa));
  Points[12].AsPoint := Points[0].AsPoint;
  Points[13].AsPoint := Points[1].AsPoint;
  Points[14].AsPoint := Points[2].AsPoint;
  Points[15].AsPoint := Points[3].AsPoint;

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