
Debug your ISAPI applications on IIS 5 (Views: 28)


Debug your ISAPI applications on IIS 5 without messing around with the registry. Just as simple as it should be!


Start IIS WWW service;

Open Internet Services Manager and start your web site;

Open the properties sheet of your scripts directory;

Choose Aplication Protection = Low;

Click on Configuration button and choose the App Debugging tab;

Enable both Debugging Flags;

Close Internet Services Manager and stop IIS WWW service (do not stop your web site before stoping IIS);

Set your Delphi ISAPI Run Parameters as follows:
- host application: C:\WINNT\system32\inetsrv\inetinfo.exe (fix the path if necessary);
- parameters: -e w3svc;

That's it!

Now start your application inside Delphi IDE and it'll start IIS. Open your browser and go to your application. Delphi should start it and "say" it's running.

Good luck!

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