
Looking for text in any part of a field (Views: 707)


A function to search text in part of a field of any dataset


The following function searches for text in any part of a field of any dataset (it can be for example a TTable, TQuery, TADOTable, TADOQuery, TIBTable, TIBQuery, etc.)

  TLocateStrOption = (loCaseSensitive, loContinue);
  TLocateStrOptions = set of TLocateStrOption;

function LocateStr(Dataset: TDataset; Field: TField; Str: string;
  LocateOptions: TLocateStrOptions): boolean;
// Searches text in any part of a dataset field. The search can be
// case sensitive (option loCaseSensitive) and can start from the
// beginning or from the current record (option loContinue).
// Returns True if the string was found (the dataset is positioned
// in that record) and False otherwise (the dataset is left in EOF)
  ControlsDisabled: boolean;
  ControlsDisabled := Dataset.ControlsDisabled;
  if not ControlsDisabled then
    if loContinue in LocateOptions then
      if not Dataset.Eof then
      Dataset.First; // Start from the beginning
    if not (loCaseSensitive in LocateOptions) then
      Str := UpperCase(Str);
    while not Dataset.Eof do
      if loCaseSensitive in LocateOptions then
        if Pos(Str, Field.AsString) <> 0 then
        if Pos(Str, UpperCase(Field.AsString)) <> 0 then
    Result := Dataset.Eof;
    if not ControlsDisabled then

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