
How to search a string with wildcards (Views: 27)


I have a body of text. I want to allow the user to enter a string that could contain wildcards (well, just the " * ") and search for it.


Your first task is to split the paragraph into words (since i take it from your description that the match has to be inside a word). The next is to match each word to the mask. The following implementation is certainly not the fastest possible but it should make the algorithm clear.

procedure SplitTextIntoWords(const S: string; words: TStringlist);
  startpos, endpos: Integer;
  startpos := 1;
  while startpos <= Length(S) do
    {skip non-letters }
    while (startpos <= Length(S)) and not IsCharAlpha(S[startpos]) do
    if startpos <= Length(S) then
      {find next non-letter}
      endpos := startpos + 1;
      while (endpos <= Length(S)) and IsCharAlpha(S[endpos]) do
      words.add(Copy(S, startpos, endpos - startpos));
      startpos := endpos + 1;

function StringMatchesMask(S, mask: string; case_sensitive: Boolean): Boolean;
  sIndex, maskIndex: Integer;
  if not case_sensitive then
    S := AnsiUpperCase(S);
    mask := AnsiUpperCase(mask);
  Result := True; {blatant optimism}
  sIndex := 1;
  maskIndex := 1;
  while (sIndex <= Length(S)) and (maskIndex <= Length(mask)) do
    case mask[maskIndex] of
          {matches any character}
          {matches 0 or more characters, so need to check for next character in mask}
          if maskIndex > Length(mask) then
            { * at end matches rest of string}
          else if mask[maskindex] in ['*', '?'] then
            raise Exception.Create('Invalid mask');
          {look for mask character in S}
          while (sIndex <= Length(S)) and (S[sIndex] <> mask[maskIndex]) do
          if sIndex > Length(S) then
            {character not found, no match}
            Result := false;
      if S[sIndex] = mask[maskIndex] then
        {no match}
        Result := False;
  {if we have reached the end of both S and mask we have a complete match,
  otherwise we only have a partial match}
  if (sIndex <= Length(S)) or (maskIndex <= Length(mask)) then
    Result := false;

procedure FindMatchingWords(const S, mask: string; case_sensitive: Boolean;
  matches: TStringlist);
  words: TStringlist;
  i: Integer;
  words := TStringlist.Create;
    SplitTextIntoWords(S, words);
    for i := 0 to words.count - 1 do
      if StringMatchesMask(words[i], mask, case_sensitive) then

{Form has one memo for the text to check, one edit for the mask, one checkbox
(check = case sensitive), one listbox for the results, one button }

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  FindMatchingWords(memo1.text, edit1.text, checkbox1.checked, listbox1.items);

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