
Modify the idapi.cfg settings through code (2) (Views: 703)


How can my program access the idapi.cfg file and probably change its INIT (Local Share etc.) section?


For 32bit only. You can of course use the registry to determine the default CFG File instead of passing it as a parameter here:

procedure ModifyCFG(const ACFGFile, AValue, AEntry, ACFGPath: string; SaveAsWin31:
  hCfg: hDBICfg;
  pRecBuf, pTmpRec: pByte;
  pFields: pFLDDesc;
  Count: word;
  i: integer;
  Save: boolean;
  Reg: TRegistry;
  RegSaveWIN31: array[bool] of string = ('WIN32', 'WIN31');
  hCfg := nil;
  pFields := nil;
  pRecBuf := nil;
  Save := False;
  Check(DbiOpenConfigFile(PChar(ACFGFile), False, hCfg));
    Check(DbiCfgPosition(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath))); {neccessary...?}
    Check(DbiCfgGetRecord(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath), Count, nil, nil));
    pRecBuf := AllocMem(succ(Count) * 128); {128 additional safety...}
    pFields := AllocMem(Count * sizeof(FLDDesc));
    Check(DbiCfgGetRecord(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath), Count, pFields, pRecBuf));
    for i := 1 to Count do
      if StrPas(pFields^.szName) = AEntry then
        pTmpRec := pRecBuf;
        Inc(pTmpRec, 128 * (i - 1));
        StrPCopy(PChar(pTmpRec), AValue);
    dec(pFields, Count);
    Check(DbiCfgModifyRecord(hCfg, PChar(ACfgPath), Count, pFields, pRecBuf));
    Save := True;
    if hCfg <> nil then
      Check(DbiCloseConfigFile(hCfg, Save, True, SaveAsWin31));
    if pRecBuf <> nil then
      FreeMem(pRecBuf, succ(Count) * 128);
    if pFields <> nil then
      FreeMem(pFields, Count * sizeof(FLDDesc));
  {update registry SAVECONFIG value}
  Reg := TRegistry.Create;
    Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;
    if not Reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\Borland\Database Engine', False) then
      ShowMessage('Configuration Path not found')
      Reg.LazyWrite := False;
      Reg.WriteString('SAVECONFIG', RegSaveWIN31[SaveAsWin31]);
  {DbiExit/Init to re-read cfg... make absolutely sure there are no active
        DB components when doing this (it's is best done by a loader app)}

ACFGPath would be '\SYSTEM\INIT\', AEntry would be 'LOCAL SHARE' und AValue would be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.

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