
How to move the active record in a table to a certain position on a TDBGrid (Views: 29)


Does anyone know of a way to move the active record in a table to a certain position on a TDBGrid (i.e. the centre of a grid, top or bottom, or row number)


This is a method that I use in a subclassed DBGrid. You can save the original row with:

OldRow := Row - TopRow;

and move with:


procedure TMyDBGrid.MoveToRow(NewRow: Integer);
{Scrolls the visible records so that the current record is shown on the NewRow position (if possible)}
  Mark: TBookmarkStr;
  Mark := DataLink.DataSet.Bookmark;
  {Set the current row to NewRow. This also moves the record pointer}
  DataLink.ActiveRecord := NewRow;
  {Goto the original record}
  DbiSetToBookmark(TDBDataSet(DataLink.DataSet).Handle, Pointer(Mark));
  {Force a reread of the record buffer with the current settings}

Row, TopRow and DataLink are protected properties of DBGrid, so they can only be used
in (or through) a subclass.

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