
First/Last changed File in Folder (Views: 27)


Sometimes its nessessary to know which File of an Folder was changed at the last.


Sometimes its nessessary to know which File of an Folder was changed at the last. I wrote this function below. It can give you the File with the oldesd content too, if you set the parameter first := True. For the comparing I've used the API - Function CompareFileTime. If you wants to know the oldes or youngest created file or the last/first accessed file see the comments in the function.

function GetLastOrFirstChangedFileOfFolder(First: Boolean; Folder: string): string;
  Ft1, Ft2: TFileTime;
  sr: TSearchrec;
  what, Res: Integer;
  if not DirectoryExists(Folder) then
  if Folder[Length(Folder)] <> '\' then
    Folder := Folder + '\';
  if First then
    What := 1
    What := -1;
  res := FindFirst(Folder + '*.*', faAnyFile, sr);
  ft1 := sr.FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
  //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftCreationTime;   for the first/last created
  //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftLastAccessTime;  for the first/last access
  Result := sr.Name;
  while res = 0 do
    Ft2 := sr.FindData.ftLastWriteTime;
    //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftCreationTime;   for the first/last createt
    //ft1 := sr.FindData.ftLastAccessTime;  for the first/last access
    if CompareFileTime(ft1, ft2) = What then
      ft1 := Ft2;
      Result := sr.Name;
    res := FindNext(sr);

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