
PHP Alike implode & explode functions for Delphi (Views: 28)


Implode & Explode routines just for Dephi making life easy ...


// Procedure - implode
// Author    - Ronald Buster
// Remarc    - PHP like implode function
// Returns a string containing a string representation of all the array
// elements in the same order, with the glue string between each element.

function implode(const glue: string; const pieces: array of string): string;
  I: Integer;
  Result := '';
  for I := 0 to High(Pieces) do
    Result := Result + Glue + Pieces[I];
  Delete(Result, 1, Length(Glue));

// Procedure - explode
// Author    - Ronald Buster
// Remarc    - PHP like explode function
// Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string
// formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string separator.
// If limit is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit
// elements with the last element containing the rest of string.

function explode(const separator, s: string; limit: Integer = 0): TDynStringArray;
  SepLen: Integer;
  F, P: PChar;
  SetLength(Result, 0);
  if (S = '') or (Limit < 0) then
  if Separator = '' then
    SetLength(Result, 1);
    Result[0] := S;
  SepLen := Length(Separator);

  P := PChar(S);
  while P^ <> #0 do
    F := P;
    P := AnsiStrPos(P, PChar(Separator));
    if (P = nil) or ((Limit > 0) and (Length(Result) = Limit - 1)) then
      P := StrEnd(F);
    SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1);
    SetString(Result[High(Result)], F, P - F);
    F := P;
    while (P^ <> #0) and (P - F < SepLen) do

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