
How to get a list of all data-aware controls linked to a given TDataSource (Views: 27)


Is there a way to get a list of data-aware controls linked to a given TDataSource component? I need a solution that will work without knowing ahead of time what form to look in for the controls.


Try something like the following. This code will scan all components on all forms and determine if the component has a DataSource property. If it does, the value of the DataSource property is assigned to the variable ThisDataSource.

for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
  if Screen.Forms[I] is TCustomForm then
    with Screen.Forms[I] as TCustomForm do
      for J := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do
        if IsPublishedProp(Components[J], 'DataSource') then
          ThisDataSource := GetObjectProp(Components[J], 'DataSource') as TDataSource;
          if ThisDataSource = SomeOtherDataSource then

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