
Sort TListView columns by date or time (Views: 32)


Is there any way to sort columns in a TListView by date or time when a user clicks on the header of the column?


Solve 1:

LV1 is a TListView with vsReport.

function CustomDateSortProc(Item1, Item2: TListItem; ParamSort: integer): integer;
  result := 0;
  if StrToDateTime(item1.SubItems[0]) > StrToDateTime(item2.SubItems[0]) then
    Result := 1
  else if StrToDateTime(item1.SubItems[0]) < StrToDateTime(item2.SubItems[0]) then
    Result := -1;

function CustomNameSortProc(Item1, Item2: TListItem; ParamSort: integer): integer;
  Result := CompareText(Item1.Caption, Item2.Caption);

procedure TForm1.GetFilesClick(Sender: TObject);
  sr: TSearchRec;
  Item: TListItem;
  if FindFirst('e:\*.*', faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then
      if (sr.Attr and faDirectory) <> sr.Attr then
        item := LV1.items.add;
        item.Caption := sr.name;
      FindNext(sr) <> 0;

procedure TForm1.LV1ColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);
  if column = LV1.columns[0] then
    LV1.CustomSort(@CustomNameSortProc, 0)
    LV1.CustomSort(@CustomDateSortProc, 0)

Solve 2:

Open a new Delphi application project. Drop a listview (ListView1) onto the default form. Paste in the attached code. Hook up the FormCreate and ListView1ColumnClick event handlers.

The custom sort procedure (and the callback) save the day. There are some limits and drawbacks to this approach though. Since the listview is inherently unaware of data types, you have to bolt that onto the outside. This extra thrashing can represent a performance hit if you're doing something funky in the callback. This example uses up the TListView.Tag, TListColumn.Tag and TListItem.Data properties. This might clash with a scheme in place, or may sicken you because of its bold-faced greed. This system only allows for single-column sorts. This can easily be extended, though, by a reinterpretation of TListView.Tag into sort column_s_. No graphics in the column headers.

unit Unit1;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    ListView1: TListView;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure ListView1ColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.DFM}

function UnformatText(const Text: string; const VarType: Integer): Variant;
  {This is an ambitious function, in simple form. The standard text to type
        variable conversion is fairly weak, so this function is a good place to
        canonize that thinking.}
  if Length(Text) = 0 then
    Result := Null
    case VarType of
        if CompareText(Text, 'True') = 0 then
          Result := True
        else if CompareText(Text, 'False') = 0 then
          Result := False
        else if CompareText(Text, 'Yes') = 0 then
          Result := True
        else if CompareText(Text, 'No') = 0 then
          Result := False
          Result := Null;
      {use the default handler}
      Result := VarAsType(Text, VarType);

function LVItemValue(const Item: TListItem; const Col, VarType: Integer): Variant;
  {get the indicated "cell's" text, return an empty string if either index is out of range}
  if Item = nil then
    Result := Null
  else if Col < 0 then
    Result := Null
  else if Col > Item.SubItems.Count then
    Result := Null
  else if Col = 0 then
    Result := UnformatText(Item.Caption, VarType)
    Result := UnformatText(Item.SubItems[Col - 1], VarType);

function LVSort(lParam1, lParam2: Integer; lParamSort: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
  NULL_COMPARE = -1; {-1 floats nulls to top, +1, to bottom}
  oLV: TListView;
  iSortCol: Integer;
  bSortAsc: Boolean;
  iSortVarType: Integer;
  vData1: Variant;
  vData2: Variant;
    {resolve the reference to the listview being sorted}
    oLV := TListView(lParamSort);
    {is "no sort" being requested?}
    if oLV.Tag = 0 then
      {not a very economic use of the data property...}
      Result := Integer(TListItem(lParam1).Data) - Integer(TListItem(lParam2).Data);
    iSortCol := Abs(oLV.Tag) - 1;
    bSortAsc := oLV.Tag >= 0;
    {determine the data type}
    if iSortCol < 0 then
      iSortVarType := varString
    else if iSortCol >= oLV.Columns.Count then
      iSortVarType := varString
      iSortVarType := oLV.Columns[iSortCol].Tag;
    {get the data of interest}
    vData1 := LVItemValue(TListItem(lParam1), iSortCol, iSortVarType);
    vData2 := LVItemValue(TListItem(lParam2), iSortCol, iSortVarType);
    {do some "null" handling that supercedes typed comparisons}
    if VarIsNull(vData1) and VarIsNull(vData2) then
      Result := 0 {they're both null}
    else if VarIsNull(vData1) then
      Result := NULL_COMPARE
    else if VarIsNull(vData2) then
      Result := -NULL_COMPARE
    else if vData1 > vData2 then
      Result := 1
    else if vData1 < vData2 then
      Result := -1
      Result := 0;
    if not bSortAsc then
      Result := -Result;
    Result := 0;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

  function RandomNull(const Text: string): string;
    if Random(8) < 1 then
      Result := ''
      Result := Text;

  oCol: TListColumn;
  oItem: TListItem;
  iItem: Integer;
  {set listview properties}
  with ListView1 do
    Align := alClient;
    ReadOnly := True;
    SortType := stNone;
    Tag := 0;
    ViewStyle := vsReport;
  {default columns of different types}
  oCol := ListView1.Columns.Add;
  oCol.Caption := 'varDate';
  oCol.Tag := varDate;
  oCol.Width := 100;
  oCol := ListView1.Columns.Add;
  oCol.Caption := 'varBoolean';
  oCol.Tag := varBoolean;
  oCol.Width := 100;
  oCol := ListView1.Columns.Add;
  oCol.Caption := 'varInteger';
  oCol.Tag := varInteger;
  oCol.Width := 100;
  oCol := ListView1.Columns.Add;
  oCol.Caption := 'varCurrency';
  oCol.Tag := varCurrency;
  oCol.Width := 100;
  oCol := ListView1.Columns.Add;
  oCol.Caption := 'varString';
  oCol.Tag := varString;
  oCol.Width := 100;
  {add items to the listview}
  for iItem := 0 to 100 + Random(100) do
    {data property stores "original index" info}
    oItem := ListView1.Items.Add;
    oItem.Data := Pointer(iItem); {using this more like a Tag property}
    {plug in some fake data}
    oItem.Caption := RandomNull(FormatDateTime('dd-mmm-yyyy', Now() - Random(1000)));
    if Random(2) < 1 then
    oItem.SubItems.Add(RandomNull(FloatToStr(0.01 * Random(100000))));
    oItem.SubItems.Add(RandomNull(Char(65 + Random(26)) + Char(65 + Random(26)) +
      Char(65 + Random(26)) + Char(65 + Random(26)) + Char(65 + Random(26))));

procedure TForm1.ListView1ColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);
  {sort the sort column and order into the listview's tag}
  if ListView1.Tag = Column.Index + 1 then
    ListView1.Tag := -ListView1.Tag {desc sort}
  else if ListView1.Tag = -(Column.Index + 1) then
    ListView1.Tag := 0 {no sort}
    ListView1.Tag := Column.Index + 1; {asc sort}
  {pass the listview such that it will be sent to the sort procedure}
  ListView1.CustomSort(LVSort, Integer(ListView1));


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