
Some useful date calculation routines (Views: 30)


Some useful date calculation routines


Ever notice how some date routines are missing from SysUtils? Well as they say, necessity is the mother of invention, I've come up with some date calculation routines that you can include in your own programs that require some date calculations. If you've got any more than this, please feel free to share them!

  TDatePart = (dpYear, dpMonth, dpDay);

  {Purpose  : Return a date part.}

function GetDatePart(Date: TDateTime; DatePart: TDatePart): Word;
  D, M, Y: Word;
  //Initialize Result - avoids compiler warning
  Result := 0;
  DecodeDate(Date, Y, M, D);
  case DatePart of
    dpYear: Result := Y;
    dpMonth: Result := M;
    dpDay: Result := D;

{Purpose  : Extracts the date portion of a date time. Useful for
            seeing if two date time values fall on the same day}

function ExtractDatePart(Date: TDateTime): TDate;
  Result := Int(Date);

{Purpose  : Gets the time portion of a date time. Like ExtractDatePart
            this is useful for comparing times.}

function ExtractTimePart(Date: TDateTime): TTime;
  Result := Frac(Date);

{Purpose  : Used for determining whether or not a DateTime is
            a weekday.}

function IsWeekday(Day: TDateTime): Boolean;
  Result := (DayOfWeek(Day) >= 2) and (DayOfWeek(Day) <= 6);

{Purpose  :  Function returns the date of the relative day of a
             month/year combo such as the date of the "Third
             Monday of January." The formal parameters depart a bit
             from the MS SQL Server Schedule agent constants in that
             the RelativeFactor parameter (Freq_Relative_Interval in
             MS-SQL), takes integer values from 1 to 5 as opposed to
             integer values from 2 to the 0th to 2 to the 4th power.

Formal Parameters
Year            : Year in question
Month           : Month in question
RelativeFactor  : 1 = First; 2 = Second; 3 = Third; 4 = Fourth; 5 = Last
Day             : 1 - 7, day starting on Sunday; 8 = Day;
                  9 = Weekday; 10 = Weekend Day

function GetRelativeDate(Year, Month,
  RelativeFactor, Day: Integer): TDateTime;
  TempDate: TDateTime;
  DayIndex: Integer;
  TempDate := EncodeDate(Year, Month, 1);
  DayIndex := 0;
  //Now, if you're looking for the last day, just go to the last
  //day of the month, and count backwards until you hit the day
  //you're interested in.
  if (RelativeFactor = 5) then
    TempDate := EncodeDate(Year, Month, MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year), Month]);
    case Day of
        if (DayOfWeek(TempDate) = Day) then
          Result := TempDate
          while (DayOfWeek(TempDate) <> Day) do
            TempDate := TempDate - 1;
          Result := TempDate;
          if IsWeekday(TempDate) then
            Result := TempDate
            while not IsWeekday(TempDate) do
              TempDate := TempDate - 1;
            Result := TempDate;
          if not IsWeekday(TempDate) then
            Result := TempDate
            while IsWeekday(TempDate) do
              TempDate := TempDate - 1;
            Result := TempDate;
      //This only happens if you're going after the very last day of the month
      Result := TempDate;
    //Otherwise, you have to go through the month day by day until you get
    //to the day you want. Since the relative week is a power of 2, just
    //see if the day exponent is a
    case Day of
          while (DayIndex < RelativeFactor) do
            if (DayOfWeek(TempDate) = Day) then
            TempDate := TempDate + 1;
          Result := TempDate - 1;
          while (DayIndex < RelativeFactor) do
            if IsWeekDay(TempDate) then
            TempDate := TempDate + 1;
          Result := TempDate - 1;
          while (DayIndex < RelativeFactor) do
            if not IsWeekDay(TempDate) then
            TempDate := TempDate + 1;
          Result := TempDate - 1;
      Result := TempDate + RelativeFactor;

  TDecimalTimeType = (dtSecond, dtMinute, dtHour);

  {Purpose  : Returns hours, minutes, or seconds in decimal format for use
              in date time calculations}

function GetDecimalTime(Count: Integer;
  DecimalTimeType: TDecimalTimeType): Double;
  Second = 1 / 86400;
  Minute = 1 / 1440;
  Hour = 1 / 24;
  //Initialize result
  Result := 0;
  case DecimalTimeType of
    dtSecond: Result := Count * Second;
    dtMinute: Result := Count * Minute;
    dtHour: Result := Count * Hour;

{Purpose  : Converts a MS-style integer time to a TTime}

function IntTimeToTime(Time: Integer): TTime;
  S: string;
  S := IntToStr(Time);
  //String must be 5 or 6 character long
  if (Length(S) < 5) or (Length(S) > 6) then
    Result := 0
    if (Length(S) = 5) then //A morning time
      S := Copy(S, 1, 1) + ':' + Copy(S, 2, 2) + ':' + Copy(S, 4, 2)
    else //Afternoon, evening time
      S := Copy(S, 1, 2) + ':' + Copy(S, 3, 2) + ':' + Copy(S, 5, 2);
    Result := StrToTime(S);

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