
How to copy multiple files into one (2) (Views: 27)


What is the quickest way of merging loads of files together, and being able to pull them out when needed in the application all files have unique names, I need to merge the files as the application could create 10000+ and all them being in one dirctory, well lets say windows does not handle it very well specially the fact that they are all small file with the odd occasion of a 15mb file, so I need a better way off managing it not interested in compression I want something that is as quick or quicker than access an individual file.


Solve 1:

If you do not need random access to the files in the larger file (in which case you need an index, a kind of directory) you can simply concatenate the source files, storing the file name and size for each file in front of the files data.

procedure ConCatFiles(const targetname: string; const Sourcenames: TStrings);
  i: Integer;
  target, source: TFileStream;
  fsize: Longint;
  target := TFileStream.Create(targetname, fmCreate);
    for i := 0 to Sourcenames.Count - 1 do
      source := TFileStream.Create(Sourcenames[i], fmOpenread or fmShareDenyNone);
        fsize := Length(Sourcenames[i]);
        target.Write(fsize, Sizeof(fsize));
        target.Write(Sourcenames[i][1], fsize);
        fsize := source.size;
        target.Write(fsize, Sizeof(fsize));
        target.Copyfrom(source, 0);

procedure UnmergeFiles(const sourcename: string);
  i: Integer;
  target, source: TFileStream;
  fsize, sourcesize: Longint;
  fname: string;
  source := TFileStream.Create(sourcename, fmOpenread or fmShareDenyNone);
    sourcesize := source.size;
    while source.position < sourcesize do
      source.Read(fsize, Sizeof(fsize));
      SetLength(fname, fsize);
      source.Read(fname[1], fsize);
      target := TFileStream.Create(fname, fmCreate);
        source.Read(fsize, Sizeof(fsize));
        target.Copyfrom(source, fsize);

Untested! And of course you should think about how to handle pathes in this context.

Solve 2:

I've written a little example that doesn't consume too much memory. It concatenates and compresses files into one destination file (CompressFiles) and can restore then in a given location (DecompressFiles).

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procedure CompressFiles(Files: TStrings; const Filename: string);
  infile, outfile, tmpFile: TFileStream;
  compr: TCompressionStream;
  i, l: Integer;
  s: string;
  if Files.Count > 0 then
    outFile := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmCreate);
      {the number of files}
      l := Files.Count;
      outfile.Write(l, SizeOf(l));
      for i := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do
        infile := TFileStream.Create(Files[i], fmOpenRead);
          {the original filename}
          s := ExtractFilename(Files[i]);
          l := Length(s);
          outfile.Write(l, SizeOf(l));
          outfile.Write(s[1], l);
          {the original filesize}
          l := infile.Size;
          outfile.Write(l, SizeOf(l));
          {compress and store the file temporary}
          tmpFile := TFileStream.Create('tmp', fmCreate);
          compr := TCompressionStream.Create(clMax, tmpfile);
            compr.CopyFrom(infile, l);
          {append the compressed file to the destination file}
          tmpFile := TFileStream.Create('tmp', fmOpenRead);
            outfile.CopyFrom(tmpFile, 0);

procedure DecompressFiles(const Filename, DestDirectory: string);
  dest, s: string;
  decompr: TDecompressionStream;
  infile, outfile: TFilestream;
  i, l, c: Integer;
  dest := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(DestDirectory);
  infile := TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
    {number of files}
    infile.Read(c, SizeOf(c));
    for i := 1 to c do
      {read filename}
      infile.Read(l, SizeOf(l));
      SetLength(s, l);
      infile.Read(s[1], l);
      {read filesize}
      infile.Read(l, SizeOf(l));
      {decompress the files and store it}
      s := dest + s; {include the path}
      outfile := TFileStream.Create(s, fmCreate);
      decompr := TDecompressionStream.Create(infile);
        outfile.CopyFrom(decompr, l);

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