
Perform a file search including subdirectories (Views: 27)


How to perform a file search including subdirectories


Solve 1:

Recursively scanning all drives:

{excerpt from form declaration, form has a listbox1 for the  results, a label1 for progress, a button2 to start the scan, an edit1 to get the search mask from, a button3 to stop the scan.}
{ Private declarations }
FScanAborted: Boolean;
{ Public declarations }

function ScanDrive(root, filemask: string; hitlist: TStrings): Boolean;

function TForm1.ScanDrive(root, filemask: string; hitlist: TStrings): Boolean;

  function ScanDirectory(var path: string): Boolean;
    SRec: TSearchRec;
    pathlen: Integer;
    res: Integer;
    label1.caption := path;
    pathlen := Length(path);
    { first pass, files }
    res := FindFirst(path + filemask, faAnyfile, SRec);
    if res = 0 then
      while res = 0 do
        hitlist.Add(path + SRec.Name);
        res := FindNext(SRec);
    Result := not (FScanAborted or Application.Terminated);
    if not Result then
    {second pass, directories}
    res := FindFirst(path + ' *.* ', faDirectory, SRec);
    if res = 0 then
      while (res = 0) and Result do
        if ((Srec.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and (Srec.name <> ' . ')
          and (Srec.name <> ' .. ') then
          path := path + SRec.name + '\';
          Result := ScanDirectory(path);
          SetLength(path, pathlen);
        res := FindNext(SRec);

  FScanAborted := False;
  Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
    Result := ScanDirectory(root);
    Screen.Cursor := crDefault

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  ch: Char;
  root: string;
  root := 'C:\';
  for ch := 'A' to 'Z' do
    root[1] := ch;
    case GetDriveType(Pchar(root)) of
        if not ScanDrive(root, edit1.text, listbox1.items) then

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
begin {aborts scan}
  fScanAborted := True;

Solve 2:

procedure TFrmRecurseDirTree.RecurseDirTree(APath: string; AList: TStrings);
  searchRec: TSearchRec;
  thePath: string;
  if (Length(thePath) > 0) then
  {Riffle through the subdirectories and find the file(s) there}
  thePath := APath;
  if (thePath[Length(thePath)] <> '\') then
    thePath := thePath + '\';
  if FindFirst(thePath + '*.*', faDirectory, searchRec) = 0 then
      if (searchRec.Attr and faDirectory > 1) and (searchRec.Name <> '.') and
        (searchRec.Name <> '..') then
        AList.Add(thePath + searchRec.Name);
        RecurseDirTree(thePath + searchRec.Name + '\', AList);
      FindNext(searchRec) <> 0;

Solve 3:

Here is a procedure to scan for all bitmaps below the current directory and add them to a list. It can easily be modified to add all sub-directories to the list, just add "List.Add..." just before "ScanDirectory..." and delete the part that adds the bitmap filenames. Maybe it's better to change faAnyFile to faDirecory, but I am not sure if this will return all directories including hidden ones etc.

procedure TForm1.ScanDirectory(Path: string; List: TStringList; SubDirFlag: Boolean);
  SearchRec: TSearchRec;
  Ext: string;
  if Path[Length(Path)] <> '\' then
    Path := Path + '\';
  if FindFirst(Path + '*.*', faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then
      if SearchRec.Attr = faDirectory then
        if SubDirFlag and (SearchRec.Name <> '.') and (SearchRec.Name <> '..') then
          ScanDirectory(Path + SearchRec.Name, List, SubDirFlag);
        Ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(SearchRec.Name));
        if (Ext = '.BMP') then
          List.Add(Path + SearchRec.Name);
      FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;

Use it as follows:

ScanDirectory(GetCurrentDir, YourStringList, False);

Solve 4:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  SearchRec: TSearchRec;
  if FindFirst('c:\images\*.jpg', faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then
      Findnext(SearchRec) <> 0;

Note: if you are displaying many items, you will probably want to wrap the code within listbox1.items.BeginUpdate/EndUpdate.

Solve 5:

Searching for a file in a directory:

function FileExistsExt(const aPath, aFilename: string): Boolean;
  DSearchRec: TSearchRec;
  Result := FileExists(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aPath) + aFilename);
  if not Result then
    if FindFirst(APath + '\*', faDirectory, DSearchRec) = 0 then
        if (DSearchRec.Name <> '.') and (DSearchRec.Name <> '..') then
          Result := FileExistsExt(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(aPath) +
                                         DSearchRec.Name, aFilename);
        FindNext(DSearchRec) <> 0;


{ ... }
if FileExistsExt('C:', 'Testfile.dat') then
  { ... }

Solve 6:

The following function receives as parameters a file specification (like for example 'C:\My Documents\*.xls' or 'C:\*' if you want to search the entire hard disk) and optionally a set of attributes (exactly as Delphi's FindFirst function), and it returs a StringList with the full pathnames of the found files. You should free the StringList after using it.


function FindFile(const filespec: TFileName; attributes: integer
  = faReadOnly or faHidden or faSysFile or faArchive): TStringList;


function FindFile(const filespec: TFileName;
  attributes: integer): TStringList;
  spec: string;
  list: TStringList;

  procedure RFindFile(const folder: TFileName);
    SearchRec: TSearchRec;
    // Locate all matching files in the current
    // folder and add their names to the list
    if FindFirst(folder + spec, attributes, SearchRec) = 0 then
          if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = 0) or
            (SearchRec.Name <> '.') and (SearchRec.Name <> '..') then
            list.Add(folder + SearchRec.Name);
        until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
    // Now search the subfolders
    if FindFirst(folder + '*', attributes
      or faDirectory, SearchRec) = 0 then
          if ((SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) and
            (SearchRec.Name <> '.') and (SearchRec.Name <> '..') then
            RFindFile(folder + SearchRec.Name + '\');
        until FindNext(SearchRec) <> 0;
  end; // procedure RFindFile inside of FindFile

begin // function FindFile
  list := TStringList.Create;
    spec := ExtractFileName(filespec);
    Result := list;

Sample call

You can try this function placing a ListBox and a button on a form and adding this code to the OnClick event of the button:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  list: TStringList;
  list := FindFile('C:\Delphi\*.pas');

Solve 7:

I thought if there was a way to create a function that does not recursively call itself to list all the files in the harddisk, so that there might be some improvement in speed, other than making the function more complex there were no speed improvements. Here is the code of the function any way.

  PRecInfo = ^TRecInfo;
  Trecinfo = record
    prev: PRecInfo;
    fpathname: string;
    srchrec: Tsearchrec;

function TForm1.RecurseDirectory1(fname: string): tstringlist;
  f1, f2: Tsearchrec;
  p1, tmp: PRecInfo;
  fwc: string;
  fpath: string;
  fbroke1, fbroke2: boolean;
  result := tstringlist.create;
  fpath := extractfilepath(fname);
  fwc := extractfilename(fname);
  p1.fpathname := fpath;
  p1.prev := nil;
  fbroke1 := false;
  fbroke2 := false;
  while (p1 <> nil) do
    if (fbroke1 = false) then
      if (fbroke2 = false) then
        if (findfirst(fpath + '*', faAnyfile, f1) <> 0) then
      else if (findnext(f1) <> 0) then
          if (p1 = nil) then
          fpath := p1.fpathname;
          f1 := p1.srchrec;
          tmp := p1.prev;
          p1 := tmp;
        until (findnext(f1) = 0);
        if (p1 = nil) then
    if ((f1.Name <> '.') and (f1.name <> '..') and ((f1.Attr and fadirectory) =
      fadirectory)) then
      fbroke1 := false;
      with tmp^ do
        fpathname := fpath;
        srchrec.Time := f1.time;
        srchrec.Size := f1.size;
        srchrec.Attr := f1.attr;
        srchrec.Name := f1.name;
        srchrec.ExcludeAttr := f1.excludeattr;
        srchrec.FindHandle := f1.findhandle;
        srchrec.FindData := f1.FindData;
      tmp.prev := p1;
      p1 := tmp;
      fpath := p1.fpathname + f1.name + '\';
      if findfirst(fpath + fwc, faAnyfile, f2) = 0 then
        result.add(fpath + f2.Name);
        while (findnext(f2) = 0) do
          result.add(fpath + f2.Name);
      fbroke2 := false;
      if (findnext(f1) <> 0) then
        fpath := p1.fpathname;
        f1 := p1.srchrec;
        fbroke1 := false;
        fbroke2 := true;
        tmp := p1.prev;
        p1 := tmp;
        fbroke1 := true;
        fbroke2 := false;
  fpath := extractfilepath(fname);
  if findfirst(fname, faAnyfile, f1) = 0 then
    result.add(fpath + f2.Name);
    while (findnext(f1) = 0) do
      result.add(fpath + f2.Name);

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