
Creating a Delphi-Expert (Part I) (Views: 33)


Sometimes you want to define some routines to make your life easier while using Delphi. A simple way to do this, is creating an Expert. This first article shows you the basics.


This article introduces you to the world of Delphi Experts. Delphi Experts are DLLs, that will be loaded during the startup sequence of Delphi. This article first appeared on Delphi-PRAXiS in German.

NOTE: The techniques shown in this article are valid starting with Delphi 3 or 4 and since Delphi 7 they are deprecated, however, still fully suported by the Delphi IDE.

Installation of a Delphi-IDE-Expert

Every Delphi-Expert has to be registered in the Windows-Registry. For each Delphi-Version installed on a machine, as well as for each user using the machine, the Delphi-Expert has to be registered separately.

In the Registry the Delphi-Expert has to be registered under the folowing key:


, where the X has to be replaced by the appropriate Delphi-Version supported. It may happen that the Experts key is not installed, in such case you are required to create it.

Underneath the Experts key you have to create a string value for the Delphi-Expert. The name must be unique. The value must point to the Delphi-Expert DLL, including both complete path and file name of the Delphi-Expert. Next time Delphi starts, the Expert will be loaded automatically.

The interface of the Delphi-Expert

In order for the Delphi Expert to interact with the Delphi-IDE ist has to export a function with the name ExpertEntryPoint, using the following parameters:

function InitExpert(ToolServices: TIToolServices; RegisterProc:
  TExpertRegisterProc; var Terminate: TExpertTerminateProc): Boolean; export;

The first parameter ToolServices offers all "documented" interfaces to the Delphi-IDE. The second parameter RegisterProc is used to load the expert into the Delphi-IDE. The last parameter Teminate is used to notify the Expert-DLL when it is about to be unloaded by the Delphi-IDE.

The InitExpert method returns True, if the Expert has loaded successfully, otherwise it can eiter return False or raises an exception to unload the DLL from the Delphi-IDE (see code sample for solution).

The PlugIn class TIExpert

Any Delphi-Expert must be derived from the class TIExpert, which is declared in the unit ExptIntf. This class defines some abstract methods, which must be implemented by each PlugIn: GetName, GetAuthor, GetComment, GetPage, GetGlyph (different for Windows and Linux), GetStyle, GetState, GetIDString, GetMenuText and Execute. The purpose of each method is explained in the source code below.

The simplest Delphi-Expert

This Delphi-Expert want do much good, however, it shows you the basic way of getting the job done. It will show an entry in the Help menu (default behavior). Once the user clicks the menu item the method Execute from the Expert will be called. The following points must be respected in order to get the expert working:

The method GetState must return [esEnabled]
The method GetStyle must return esStandard
The method GetMenuText returns the text to be shown in the Help menu
The method Execute defines the expert action upon activation

The Library Source Code (DelphiPlugI.dpr)

{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* App. Name : DelphiPlug
* Autor     : Daniel Wischnewski
* Copyright : Copyright © 2000-2003 by gate(n)etwork GmbH. All Right Reserved.
* Urheber   : Daniel Wischnewski
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}

library DelphiPlug;

{ Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the
  first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select
  Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or
  functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This
  applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that
  are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to
  the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along
  with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information
  using PChar or ShortString parameters. }

  uPlugIn in 'uPlugIn.pas';

{$R *.res}

  InitExpert name ExpertEntryPoint;


The Unit Source Code (uPlugIn.pas)

{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Unit Name : uPlugIn
* Autor     : Daniel Wischnewski
* Copyright : Copyright © 2000-2003 by gate(n)etwork GmbH. All Right Reserved.
* Urheber   : Daniel Wischnewski
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *}

unit uPlugIn;


  ToolIntf, EditIntf, ExptIntf, VirtIntf, Windows, Messages;

  MIdx_Main = $0001;
  MIdx_ShowItems = $0002;
  MIdx_RunCommand = $0003;

  TDelphiPlug = class(TIExpert)
    // abstract methods to be overriden
    { Expert UI strings }
    function GetName: string; override; stdcall;
    function GetAuthor: string; override; stdcall;
    function GetComment: string; override; stdcall;
    function GetPage: string; override; stdcall;
    function GetGlyph: HICON; override; stdcall;
    function GetGlyph: Cardinal; override; stdcall;
    function GetStyle: TExpertStyle; override; stdcall;
    function GetState: TExpertState; override; stdcall;
    function GetIDString: string; override; stdcall;
    function GetMenuText: string; override; stdcall;
    { Launch the Expert }
    procedure Execute; override; stdcall;

function InitExpert(ToolServices: TIToolServices; RegisterProc:
  TExpertRegisterProc; var Terminate: TExpertTerminateProc): Boolean; export;


  SysUtils, ShellAPI;

function InitExpert(ToolServices: TIToolServices; RegisterProc:
  TExpertRegisterProc; var Terminate: TExpertTerminateProc): Boolean; export;
  DelphiPlug: TDelphiPlug;
  Result := True;
    // assign tools services
    ExptIntf.ToolServices := ToolServices;
    // create the Delphi-Plug
    DelphiPlug := TDelphiPlug.Create;
    // register with Delphi
    // kill assistant

{ TDelphiPlug }

procedure TDelphiPlug.Execute;
  // en:
  //   Execute will be called, whenever the user clicks on the menu entry in the
  //   help menu
  // de:
  //   Execute wird aufgerufen, wenn der User auf den Eintrag im Hilfe-Menü
  //   klickt
  MessageBox(ToolServices.GetParentHandle, 'How may I help you?', 'Hmm',

function TDelphiPlug.GetAuthor: string;
  // en:
  //   returns the name of the author of the plugin
  // de:
  //   liefert den Namen des Autoren des PlugIns zurück (wofür auch immer)
  Result := 'sakura (Daniel Wischnewski)';

function TDelphiPlug.GetComment: string;
  // en:
  //   I got no idea where this comment will be displayed, ever.
  // de:
  //   Auch hier weiß ich nicht, wo das jemals angezeigt wird, aber bitte...
  Result := 'A simple Delphi-PlugIn example.';


function TDelphiPlug.GetGlyph: HICON;
  // en:
  //   an icon handle for the entry in the help menu
  // de:
  //   Ein Icon-Handle fürs Menü
  Result := NOERROR;

function TDelphiPlug.GetGlyph: Cardinal;
  // en:
  //   an icon handle for the entry in the help menu
  // de:
  //   Ein Icon-Handle fürs Menü
  Result := NOERROR;

function TDelphiPlug.GetIDString: string;
  // en:
  //   id of the expert
  // de:
  //   ID des Experten
  Result := 'DelphiPlugSampleI';

function TDelphiPlug.GetMenuText: string;
  // en:
  //   this text will be schon in the help menu. each time the menu drops down,
  //   this method will be called.
  //   NOTE:
  //     the method GetState must return esStandard, otherwise the help menu
  //     entry will not be generated and shown
  // de:
  //   Text der im Hilfe Menü angezeigt wird. Diese Funktion wird jedesmal
  //   aufgerufen, wenn das Hilfemenü angezeigt wird.
  //   HINWEIS:
  //     die Methode GetState muß esStandard zurückliefern, damit dieser Eintrag
  //     im Hilfemenü automatisch generiert wird
  Result := 'You''l find me in the help menu';

function TDelphiPlug.GetName: string;
  // en:
  //   this name must be unique
  // de:
  //   dieser Name muss!!! einmalig sein
  Result := 'sakura_DelphiPlugSample';

function TDelphiPlug.GetPage: string;
  // en:
  //   interesting to experts expanding the default dialogs of the Delphi-IDE
  // de:
  //   Ist für Experte interessant, welche Standard-Dialoge erweitern sollen
  Result := '';

function TDelphiPlug.GetState: TExpertState;
  // en:
  //   returns a set of states
  //   possible values: esEnabled, esChecked
  // de:
  //   liefert ein Set von Stati zurück
  //   mögliche Werte: esEnabled, esChecked
  Result := [esEnabled];

function TDelphiPlug.GetStyle: TExpertStyle;
  // en:
  //   returns the type of expert
  // de:
  //   liefert die Art des Experten zurück
  //   mögliche Werte: esStandard, esForm, esProject, esAddIn
  Result := esStandard;


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