
How to save two TStringlists to the same stream (Views: 28)


TStrings.LoadFromStream is assuming that itself consumes the rest of the stream! What if I want to save 2 stringlists to the same stream?


That is as designed. Just use an intermediate stream to accomplish what you want. Or you can take the following approach using a string buffer:

{ ... }
  list1: TStringList;
  list2: TStringList;
  lng: cardinal;
  stream: TMemoryStream;
  tmpS: string;
  list1 := TStringList.Create;
  list2 := TStringList.Create;
    stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
      {Assume there was code to get something into stream.
                        The layout of the stream is:
      {Read size of the 1st block}
      stream.Read(lng, SizeOf(lng));
      if lng > 0 then
        {if there are contents, read the block to tmpS}
        SetLength(tmpS, lng);
        stream.Read(tmpS[1], lng)
          {Assign tmpS to the Text property of list1}
        list1.Text := tmpS;
      {Same procedure for list2}
      stream.Read(lng, SizeOf(lng));
      if lng > 0 then
        SetLength(tmpS, lng);
        stream.Read(tmpS[1], lng)
          list2.Text := tmpS;

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