
Simulate Mouse Clicks and Moves (Views: 29)


How can I simulate mouse clicks in my application written in Delphi?


You can easily simulate mouse clicks or moves with the mouse_event-function. You can find more information about the parameters and flags for this function in the Delphi-helpfile.

This function can be useful when you can not control other applications by OLE or something like that.


You want to start an application, and doubleclick on an item which is at x,y-position 300,400 in this application. Put a TTimer on your form, set it to Disabled and try this example code:

procedure TForm1.FormCreateOrWhatever;
  winexec('myexternalapplication.exe', sw_shownormal); // start app
  timer1.interval := 2000; // give the app 2 secs to start up
  timer1.enabled := true; // start the timer

procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  point: TPoint; // point-structure needed by getcursorpos()
  getcursorpos(point); // get current mouse position
  setcursorpos(300, 400); // set mouse cursor to menu item or whatever
  mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); // click down
  mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); // +click up = double click
  setcursorpos(point.x, point.y); // set cursor pos to origin pos
  timer1.enabled := false; // stop

The timer is needed to give the application time to start up. Be sure you don't move the mouse while mouse_event is executed. That's it!

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