
Wrapping filters around TStream classes (Views: 29)


In Java there are various predefined stream classes that provide filters for other stream classes - the filter classes essentially "wrap" the streams they operate on. The filters can often be applied to further filters. This article demonstrates how we can do this in Delphi in a way that is extendable - i.e. we can wrap filters around other filters.


First of all, let's look at why we want to do this. Well say you want to write some data primitives as text to a stream and the text to be formatted to fit on a page, word wrapping properly. Then if we can wrap a filter that formats the primitives around another that formats the text and this filter is wrapped round a file stream object, then all we have to do is access the methods of the first class and the rest of the process happens automatically.

The approach I've taken is to define a class, TStreamWrapper, that provides a base class for any filters that we want to define. Any TStreamWrapper performs it's i/o using another TStream object - the wrapped object. The key point is that TStreamWrapper is itself derived from TStream, so that it can also wrap other TSteamWrapper objects - giving the extensibility we need. TStreamWrapper can also cause a wrapped stream to be freed when it is itself freed - allowing the wrapped streams to be created "on the fly" when the TStreamWrapper constructor is called.

There is no additional functionality built in to TStreamWrapper - this is to be provided by derived classes. A small example class is demonstrated here.

First to TStreamWrapper. Here's the class declaration:

  TStreamWrapper = class(TStream)
    FBaseStream: TStream; {The "wrapped" stream}
    FCloseStream: Boolean; {Free wrapped stream on destruction?}
    procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); override;
    {Sets the size of the stream to the given value if the operation is
    supported by the underlying stream}
    property BaseStream: TStream read FBaseStream;
    {Gives access to the underlying stream to descended classes}
    constructor Create(const Stream: TStream;
      const CloseStream: Boolean = False); virtual;
    {If CloseStream is true the given underlying stream is freed when
    this object is freed}
    destructor Destroy; override;
    // Implementation of abstract methods of TStream
    function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
    function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
    function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;

and the implementation is:

constructor TStreamWrapper.Create(const Stream: TStream;
  const CloseStream: Boolean);
  inherited Create;
  // Record wrapped stream and if we free it on destruction
  FBaseStream := Stream;
  FCloseStream := CloseStream;

destructor TStreamWrapper.Destroy;
  // Close wrapped stream if required
  if FCloseStream then
  inherited Destroy;

function TStreamWrapper.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint;
  // Simply call underlying stream's Read method
  Result := FBaseStream.Read(Buffer, Count);

function TStreamWrapper.Seek(Offset: Integer; Origin: Word): Longint;
  // Simply call the same method in the wrapped stream
  Result := FBaseStream.Seek(Offset, Origin);

procedure TStreamWrapper.SetSize(NewSize: Integer);
  // Set the size property of the wrapped stream
  FBaseStream.Size := NewSize;

function TStreamWrapper.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint;
  // Simply call the same method in the wrapped stream
  Result := FBaseStream.Write(Buffer, Count);

We can now derive a small filter class - TStrStream. As it stands it's not particularly useful, but does demostrate the techniques. The class reads writes strings (which are preceded by their lengths) to any stream. The declaration is:

  TStrStream = class(TStreamWrapper)
    procedure WriteString(AString: string);
    function ReadString: string;

  The class is implemented as follows:

function TStrStream.ReadString: string;
  StrLen: Integer; // the length of the string
  PBuf: PChar; // buffer to hold the string that is read
  // Get length of string (as 32 bit integer)
  ReadBuffer(StrLen, SizeOf(Integer));
  // Now get string
  // allocate enough memory to hold string
  GetMem(PBuf, StrLen);
    // read chars into buffer and set resulting string
    ReadBuffer(PBuf^, StrLen);
    SetString(Result, PBuf, StrLen);
    // deallocate buffer
    FreeMem(PBuf, StrLen);

procedure TStrStream.WriteString(AString: string);
  Len: Integer; // length of string
  // Write out length of string as 32 bit integer
  Len := Length(AString);
  WriteBuffer(Len, SizeOf(Integer));
  // Now write out the string's characters
  WriteBuffer(PChar(AString)^, Len);

The following code should demonstrate how to write a string to a file and read it back in again. Here we use a file stream that is created on the fly and automatically closed when we are done. Of course you could create the stream and close it separately.

procedure WriteText(const Txt: string);
  TS: TStrStream;
  // This opens stream on a file stream that will be closed when this stream closes
  TS := TStrStream.Create(TFileStream.Create('test.dat', fmCreate), True);
  TS.Free; // this closes wrapped file stream

function ReadText: string;
  TS: TStrStream;
  TS := TStrStream.Create(TFileStream.Create('test.dat', fmOpenRead), True);
  Result := TS.ReadString;

The filter in this example provides additional methods to those in TStreamWrapper. We can also provide filters that override the Read and Write methods to alter the way that files are written. My resource file classes (available for download from my website) use this method to allow data to be written to RCDATA resource files - the classes take care of maintaining the correct file structure.

Component Download: http://www.delphidabbler.com/download.php?file=streamwrapdemo.zip

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