
Print a TListView (2) (Views: 28)


I have 3 columns in my TListView (1 main item, 2 sub-items) and I've tried to print the text with the use of TPrintDialog but I've had no luck. I was thinking about using the TextRect Canvas property to accomplish this. I'm not using a TMemo so what would be the TListView text property to use here. I would like to print them out in the same format that they appear in the list view.


There is a bit more to this than a single textrect call. The printer and your screen have very different resolutions, so the positions and sizes you get from the listview need to be scaled for the printer. For which you need the printers resolution. Some other pieces like printable area are also of interest:

{ ... }
  TPageInfo = record
    width, height: Integer; {physical width and height, in dots}
    offsetX, offsetY: Integer; {non-printable margin, in dots}
    resX, resY: Integer; {logical resolution, dots per inch}

procedure GetPageinfo(var info: TPageInfo; index: Integer = -1);
  if index > -1 then
    Printer.PrinterIndex := index;
  with Printer do
    info.resX := GetDeviceCaps(handle, LOGPIXELSX);
    info.resY := GetDeviceCaps(handle, LOGPIXELSY);
    info.offsetX := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
    info.offsetY := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
    info.width := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALWIDTH);
    info.height := GetDeviceCaps(handle, PHYSICALHEIGHT);

Note that the following example assumes that the listview columns widths are > 0 (autosize = true or explicit column width set).

procedure TForm1.PrintButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  colspacing = 12; {12 dots between columns}
  item: TListItem;
  info: TPageInfo;
  X, Y, leftMargin, TopMargin, BottomMargin: Integer;
  screenres: Integer;

  function ScreenToPrint(dim: Integer): Integer;
    result := (dim * info.resX) div screenres;

  procedure printHeader;
    r: Trect;
    i: Integer;
    r.Left := X;
    r.top := Y;
    printer.canvas.Font.style := [fsBold];
    r.Bottom := r.Top + printer.canvas.TextHeight('Äy');
    for i := 0 to listview1.columns.count - 1 do
      r.Right := r.Left + ScreenToPrint(listview1.column[i].Width);
      printer.canvas.TextRect(r, r.left, r.Top, listview1.Column[i].Caption);
      r.Left := r.Right + colspacing;
    printer.canvas.Font.style := [];
    printer.Canvas.Pen.Width := ScreenToPrint(2);
    printer.canvas.MoveTo(X, r.Bottom);
    printer.Canvas.Lineto(r.Right, r.Bottom);
    Y := r.Bottom + colspacing;

  procedure PrintItem;
    r: Trect;
    i: Integer;
    s: string;
    if Y >= BottomMargin then
      Y := TopMargin;
    r.Left := X;
    r.top := Y;
    r.Bottom := r.Top + printer.canvas.TextHeight('Äy');
    for i := 0 to listview1.columns.count - 1 do
      r.Right := r.Left + ScreenToPrint(listview1.columns[i].Width);
      if i = 0 then
        S := item.caption
        S := item.SubItems[i - 1];
      printer.canvas.TextRect(r, r.left, r.Top, S);
      r.Left := r.Right + colspacing;
    Y := r.Bottom + colspacing div 2;

  i: Integer;
  if PrintDialog1.Execute then
    screenres := Screen.PixelsPerInch;
      Printer.Canvas.Font := listview1.Font;
      leftMargin := info.resX - info.offsetX; {1 inch left}
      topMargin := info.resY - info.offsetY; {1 inch top}
      bottomMargin := info.height - info.resY - info.offsetY; {1 inch}
      X := leftMargin;
      Y := topMargin;
      for i := 0 to listview1.Items.Count - 1 do
        item := listview1.Items[i];

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