Creating a splash screen (Views: 300)
Problem/Question/Abstract: How do I make a splash screen for my application? Answer: First make a new form, this will be your SpashSreen. Set Name to "Splash". Set BorderStyle to "bsNone". Put an image or whatever on it. Make sure it is not auto-created. (Shift-Ctrl-F11) Now edit your main program body: program MyApp; {... } begin Application.Initialize; { ---------- PUT THIS IN: ------------- } Splash := TSplash.Create(Application); Splash.Show; Splash.Refresh; { ------------------------------------- } .. Application.CreateForm(...); Application.Run; end; Now edit the OnShow event of your main form: procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin {...} { Free Splash screen } Splash.Free; end; You now have a splash screen! Tip: If you place the Spash.Free in a OnTimer event, you can control how long the user sees your splash screen. |