
Use a variant array to write data to Excel in one go (Views: 28)


How to use a variant array to write data to Excel in one go


Here are a couple of examples of using a variant array to write data to Excel in one go:

{ ... }
ArrV: OleVariant;
i: integer;
StartCell: OleVariant;
{ ... }

{Create a variant array with 5 rows (0 to 4) and 125 columns (0 to 124)}
ArrV := VarArrayCreate([0, 4, 0, 124], varVariant);
{ ... }
for i := 0 to 124 do
ArrV[0, i] := i;
ArrV[1, i] := '2';
ArrV[2, i] := 3;
ArrV[3, i] := 4;
ArrV[4, i] := 5;
StartCell := WS.Cells.Item[8, 3];
WS.Range[StartCell, StartCell.Offset[4, 125]].Value2 := ArrV;

{Create a variant array with 4 rows (0 to 3) and 2 columns (0 to 1)}
ArrV := VarArrayCreate([0, 3, 0, 1], varOleStr);
ArrV[0, 0] := 'First Column';
ArrV[0, 1] := 'Second Column';
ArrV[1, 0] := 'Second Row';
ArrV[2, 0] := 'Third Row';
ArrV[3, 0] := 'Fourth row';
ArrV[3, 1] := 'Fourth row, second column';

{Write the array to a worksheet}
WS.Range['A1', 'B4'].Value := ArrV;
{ ... }

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