
Get the width and height of a *.jpg image without using a TJPEGImage (Views: 706)


Is there a way to get a Jpeg's height and width without using TJPEGImage? I have over 10000 images that have to be verified each month and using TJPEGImage.LoadFromFile to get the Height and Width is too slow.


This might not work with all sorts of *.jpg images:

function GetJpegSize(const FileName: string): TPoint;
  fs: TFileStream;
  SegmentPos: Integer;
  SOIcount: Integer;
  x, y: word;
  b: byte;
  fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
    fs.Position := 0;
    fs.Read(x, 2);
    if x <> $D8FF then
      raise Exception.Create('Not a Jpeg file');
    SOIcount := 0;
    fs.Position := 0;
    while fs.Position + 7 < fs.Size do
      fs.Read(b, 1);
      if b = $FF then
        fs.Read(b, 1);
        if b = $D8 then
        if b = $DA then
    if b <> $DA then
      raise Exception.Create('Corrupt Jpeg file');
    SegmentPos := -1;
    fs.Position := 0;
    while fs.Position + 7 < fs.Size do
      fs.Read(b, 1);
      if b = $FF then
        fs.Read(b, 1);
        if b in [$C0, $C1, $C2] then
          SegmentPos := fs.Position;
          if SOIcount = 0 then
    if SegmentPos = -1 then
      raise Exception.Create('Corrupt Jpeg file');
    if fs.Position + 7 > fs.Size then
      raise Exception.Create('Corrupt Jpeg file');
    fs.Position := SegmentPos + 3;
    fs.Read(y, 2);
    fs.Read(x, 2);
    Result := Point(Swap(x), Swap(y));

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