
Find crosspoint of two lines (Views: 30)


How to calculate the crosspoint of two lines


If you want to know if 2 Lines crossing each other, you can use this function below. The lines are given in with the beginning- and end-points. You will find the Coordinates of the Crosspoint in Cross, if the Function anwers True = we did found a crossing;

function GetCrossPointOfLines(pA1, pA2, pB1, pB2: TPoint; var Cross: TPoint): Boolean;
  h, i, j, k, l, m: Integer;
  o, p: Extended;
  k := pB1.Y - pA1.Y;
  l := pA2.Y - pA1.Y;
  m := pB2.Y - pB1.Y;
  h := pA2.X - pA1.X;
  i := pB1.X - pA1.X;
  j := pB2.X - pB1.x;
  Result := false;
  if Abs(j * l - m * h) > 0 then
    p := (k * h - i * l) / (j * l - m * h);
    o := (k * j - i * m) / (j * l - m * h);
    if (o >= 0.0) and (o <= 1.0) and (p >= 0.0) and (p <= 1.0) then
      Cross.X := Round(pA1.X + o * h);
      Cross.Y := Round(pA1.Y + o * l);
      Result := True;

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