
Create a standard windows shortcut file (Views: 28)


How can I create a standard windows shortcut file (*.lnk) from my Delphi application?


Below is an example that creates a shortcut to a DOS batch file. You need to use the procedure CreateLink();

program kg_MakeLink;

{*                                                              *}
{* Language:    Delphi 3.00, 32 bit                             *}
{*              All code is within this one source file.        *}
{*                                                              *}
{* Description: Used to programmically create a 'ShortCut' to a *}
{*              DOS batch file. The ShortCut when invoked will  *}
{*              run in a minimized state. Location of newly     *}
{*              created ShortCut is in the same directory as    *}
{*              the batch file.                                 *}
{*                                                              *}
{* Comments:    It is up to the programmer to insure that all   *}
{*              commands called in the batch file are valid.    *}
{*                                                              *}
{* Suggestions: Attempt running the batch file under abnormal   *}
{*              conditions to see how things go, does the DOS   *}
{*              calls hang? etc.                                *}
{*                                                              *}
{* Error Codes: 0 = Success                                     *}
{*              1 = Either to many or not enough parameters     *}
{*              2 = File passed to this util, does not exist    *}
{*              3 = Failed to created ShortCut                  *}
  Windows, ShlObj, ActiveX, ComObj, SysUtils, Dialogs;

{$R *.RES}

procedure CreateLink(Target, Args, WorkDir, ShortCutName: string);
  IObj: IUnknown;
  Link: IShellLink;
  IPFile: IPersistFile;
  TargetW: WideString;
  IObj := CreateComObject(CLSID_ShellLink);
  Link := IObj as IShellLink;
  IPFile := IObj as IPersistFile;

  with Link do
  TargetW := ShortCutName;
  IPFile.Save(PWChar(TargetW), False);

  a, b: string;

  if ParamCount = 1 then
    a := ParamStr(1);
    if FileExists(a) then
      ShowMessage('A = ' + a);
      b := ExtractFilename(a) + '.lnk';
      ShowMessage('B = ' + b);
        CreateLink(a, '', '', ExtractFileDir(a) + #92 + b);
        halt(3); { Failed to create shortcut }
      halt(2); { File does not exist }
    halt(1); { Wrong amount of arguments }

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