
Kernel32.dll Interactive Applications (Views: 30)


This article will teach you how to be interactive with Windows® operating system DLL's, this also helps you building smaller windows applications .


Well, here are the commands !!
to try any of them just run it from windows, and in Delphi as you know just
where 'ABCD' is one of the following lines of commands .
shellExecute( handle, 'open', 'rundll32', 'shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL );
to open control pane, for example on windows_NT !!

"rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL" - Run The Control Panel

"rundll32 shell32,OpenAs_RunDLL" - Open The 'Open With...' Window

"rundll32 shell32,ShellAboutA Info-Box" - Open 'About Window Window'

"rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl" - Open Display Properties

"rundll32 user,cascadechildwindows" - Cascade All Windows

"rundll32 user,tilechildwindows" - Minimize All Child-Windows

"rundll32 user,repaintscreen" - Refresh Desktop

"rundll32 shell,shellexecute Explorer" - Re-Start Windows Explorer

"rundll32 keyboard,disable" - Lock The Keyboard

"rundll32 mouse,disable" - Disable Mouse

"rundll32 user,swapmousebutton" - Swap Mouse Buttons

"rundll32 user,setcursorpos" - Set Cursor Position To (0,0)

"rundll32 user,wnetconnectdialog" - Show 'Map Network Drive' Window

"rundll32 user,wnetdisconnectdialog" - Show 'Disconnect Network Disk' Window

"rundll32 user,disableoemlayer" - Display The BSOD Window note '''(BSOD) = Blue Screen Of Death '''

"rundll32 diskcopy,DiskCopyRunDll" - Show Copy Disk Window

"rundll32 rnaui.dll,RnaWizard" - Run 'Internet Connection Wizard', If run with "/1" - silent mode

"rundll32 shell32,SHFormatDrive" - Run 'Format Disk (A)' Window

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx -1" - Cold Restart Of Windows Explorer

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 1" - Shut Down Computer

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 0" - Logoff Current User

"rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 2" Windows9x Quick Reboot

"rundll32 krnl386.exe,exitkernel" - Force Windows 9x To Exit (no confirmation)

"rundll rnaui.dll,RnaDial "MyConnect" - Run 'Net Connection' Dialog

"rundll32 msprint2.dll,RUNDLL_PrintTestPage" - Choose & Print Test Page Of Current Printer

"rundll32 user,setcaretblinktime" - Set New Cursor Rate Speed

"rundll32 user, setdoubleclicktime" - Set New DblClick Speed (Rate)

"rundll32 sysdm.cpl,InstallDevice_Rundll" - Search For non PnP Devices .

hope you enjoy it !!

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