
How to send a raw string to the printer (Views: 703)


How to send a raw string to the printer


procedure PrintRawStr(const S: ANSIString);

Uses WinSpool, Printers;

  sDefaultPrinter: string;
  Handle: THandle;
  dwN: DWORD;
  diDocInfo1: TDocInfo1; // Uses WinSpool
  bP: BYTE;

  // Get the default printer or the printer choosen in the Printer Setup Dialog
  // if you have one in the application
  if Printer.Printers.Count > 0 then
    sDefaultPrinter := Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]; // Uses Printers
    //uses Printers, get default printer
    bP := Pos(' on ', sDefaultPrinter);
    if bP > 0 then
      sDefaultPrinter := Copy(sDefaultPrinter, 1, bP - 1);
    Exit; // No printers installed on this system...

  if not OpenPrinter(PChar(sDefaultPrinter), Handle, nil) then
    case GetLastError of
      87: ShowMessage('Printer name does not exists.');
      ShowMessage('Error ' + IntToStr(GetLastError)); // Uses Dialogs
    Exit; // Cannot find the printer

  with diDocInfo1 do
    pDocName := PChar('Print job raw'); // Will be seen in printer spooler
    pOutputFile := nil;
    pDataType := 'RAW';

  StartDocPrinter(Handle, 1, @diDocInfo1);
  WritePrinter(Handle, PChar(S), Length(S), dwN);

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