
How to draw dotted or dashed lines using a pen with a width greater than 1 (Views: 31)


How to draw dotted or dashed lines using a pen with a width greater than 1


I once got around this silly limitation by writing a wrapper procedure that would figure out where each dot or dash belonged, and draw many tiny line segments using a solid pen. One of the parameters to the procedure was a string indicating the pattern, which looked like morse code (any arrangement of dots and dashes is allowed).

However, the procedure is ugly. It will handle polylines, and if a polyline vertex falls right in the middle of a dash, then the dash will bend around the corner correctly.

The LineTo method of TCanvas cannot reliably render dashed lines more than one pixel wide. This procedure provides a workaround.

{Copyright (c) 1996 G. Williams}

procedure PlotDashedLine(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Vertices: array of TPoint;
  const Pattern: string; const DashLength: Integer);
  PenDown: Boolean;
  Index: Integer;

  procedure PlotTo(const Position: TPoint);
    with Canvas, Position do
      if (PenDown) then
        LineTo(X, Y)
        MoveTo(X, Y);

  function Advance(const Distance: Integer): Boolean;
    DistanceRemaining: Single;
    DistanceToNextVertex: Single;
    Result := false;
    DistanceRemaining := Distance;
    DistanceToNextVertex := PointDist(Canvas.PenPos, Vertices[Index]);
    while (DistanceRemaining > DistanceToNextVertex) do
      DistanceRemaining := DistanceRemaining - DistanceToNextVertex;
      if (Index > High(Vertices)) then
      DistanceToNextVertex := PointDist(Canvas.PenPos, Vertices[Index]);
    with Canvas.PenPos do
      if (FltEqual(DistanceToNextVertex, 0)) then
        PlotTo(Point(Round(X + DistanceRemaining / DistanceToNextVertex * (Vertices[Index].X - X)), Round(Y + DistanceRemaining / DistanceToNextVertex * (Vertices[Index].Y - Y))));
    Result := true;

  PatternIndex: Integer;
  OldPenStyle: TPenStyle;

  OldPenStyle := Canvas.Pen.Style;
  Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
  Canvas.MoveTo(Vertices[0].X, Vertices[0].Y);
  PatternIndex := 1;
  Index := 1;
  while (true) do
    PenDown := true;
    case Pattern[PatternIndex] of
        if not (Advance(0)) then
        if not (Advance(DashLength)) then
    PenDown := false;
    if not (Advance(DashLength)) then
    if (PatternIndex > Length(Pattern)) then
      PatternIndex := 1;
  Canvas.Pen.Style := OldPenStyle;

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