
How to save and restore the position of TCoolBar bands (Views: 29)


I can save the TToolbar positions but I never succeed in restoring their positions. I put them in either in TControlBar or TCoolBar. How do I position them correctly?



for i := 0 to Coolbar.Bands.Count - 1 do
  with Coolbar.Bands[i] do
    seOptions['Band' + IntToStr(ID)] := Format('%d,%d,%d,%d', [Integer(Break),
      Width, Index, Integer(Control.Visible)]);


for i := 0 to Coolbar.Bands.Count - 1 do
  with Coolbar.Bands[i] do
    BandInfo := seOptions['Band' + IntToStr(ID)];
    if BandInfo <> '' then
      Break := Boolean(StrToInt(CutFirst(BandInfo)));
      Width := StrToInt(CutFirst(BandInfo));
      Index := StrToInt(CutFirst(BandInfo));
      Control.Visible := Boolean(StrToInt(CutFirst(BandInfo))); {this line untested}

seOptions is a settings object and can store values 'by name'. BandInfo is a string. CutFirst returns the first value from a comma separated list string and removes it from the string.

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