
Check whether a user has a shortcut installed (Views: 2142)


Check whether a user has a shortcut installed


The following routine checks whether a shortcut or a file with a given name is either on the desktop, in the start menu or in its programs submenu. It will both check in the user's private desktop/ start menu.. as in the all-users settings.

The return value shows where the first installation was found, it may be used as in .FormCreate() at the bottom of the example.

Because shortcuts are just files, it is not case-sensitive.
LinkExists ('SourceCoder') = LinkExists ('sourcecoder')


  TInstallationPlace = (le_None, le_CommonDesktop, le_CommonProgs, le_CommonStart,
    le_UserDesktop, le_UserProgs, le_UserStart);

  // check whether a shortcut or a file with name s is either on
  // the desktop, in the start menu or in its programs submenu.

function LinkExists(const s: string): TInstallationPlace;
    uStart: string;

  function myExists(const s: string): boolean;
    // s can be directory or a file, so FileExists() won't do it..
    myExists := FileGetAttr(s) >= 0;

  // check whether we have the link in All_User's Desktop!
  cDesktop := '';
  cProgs := '';
  cStart := '';
  uDesktop := '';
  uProgs := '';
  uStart := '';
  with TRegistry.Create do
    if OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders',
      false) then
      cDesktop := ReadString('Common Desktop');
      cProgs := ReadString('Common Programs');
      cStart := ReadString('Common Start Menu');
    if OpenKey('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders',
      false) then
      uDesktop := ReadString('Desktop');
      uProgs := ReadString('Programs');
      uStart := ReadString('Start Menu');
  // check in all 3 places for our link
  Result := le_None;
  s := '\' + s;
  if myExists(cDesktop + s) then
    Result := le_CommonDesktop
  else if myExists(cProgs + s) then
    Result := le_CommonProgs
  else if myExists(cStart + s) then
    Result := le_CommonStart
  else if myExists(cDesktop + ChangeFileExt(s, '.lnk')) then
    Result := le_CommonDesktop
  else if myExists(cProgs + ChangeFileExt(s, '.lnk')) then
    Result := le_CommonProgs
  else if myExists(cStart + ChangeFileExt(s, '.lnk')) then
    Result := le_CommonStart
  else if myExists(uDesktop + s) then
    Result := le_UserDesktop
  else if myExists(uProgs + s) then
    Result := le_UserProgs
  else if myExists(uStart + s) then
    Result := le_UserStart
  else if myExists(uDesktop + ChangeFileExt(s, '.lnk')) then
    Result := le_UserDesktop
  else if myExists(uProgs + ChangeFileExt(s, '.lnk')) then
    Result := le_UserProgs
  else if myExists(uStart + ChangeFileExt(s, '.lnk')) then
    Result := le_UserStart

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  if LinkExists('SourceCoder') <> le_None then

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