
How to get the Icon of a CD-ROM (Views: 30)


I want to write an File explorer, but how can I get the Icon of a CD-ROM? The problem is it can be stored as an ICO File or as a Win32 Resource into an Executable File.


With the following Code you can get the Icon of a CD inserted in your CD-ROM Drive. It opens the icon which is specified in the  "AutoRun.inf" of your CD. It's unimportant weather the icon is saved as a file or as a resource in a Win32 Executable File (*.EXE or *.DLL). If the "AutoRun.inf" doesn't exist, the function will stop themself.

function GetCDIcon(Drive: Char): TICon;
  ico: TIcon;
  ini: TIniFile;
  s, p: string;
  i, j: integer;
  Result := nil;

  if GetDriveType(PChar(Drive + ':\')) <> DRIVE_CDROM then

  //Abort if "AutoRun.inf" doesn't exists.
  if FileExists(Drive + ':\autorun.inf') = False then

  //Open the "AutoRun.inf"
  ini := TIniFile.create(Drive + ':\autorun.inf');
  ico := TIcon.create;

    //Read the filename
    s := ini.ReadString('Autorun', 'ICON', '');

    //Abort if there is no icon specified
    if s = '' then

    //load the icon from a file
    if FileExists(s) then
    if FileExists(Drive + ':\' + s) then
      ico.LoadFromFile(Drive + ':\' + s);

    //Load the icon from a Win32 resource
    if (FileExists(s) = False) and (FileExists(Drive + ':\' + s) = False) then
      for j := (Pos(',', s) + 1) to Length(s) do
        p := p + s[j];
      i := strtoint(p);
      for j := Length(s) downto (Pos(',', s)) do
        Delete(s, j, Length(s));

      if FileExists(s) = False then
        s := Drive + ':\' + s;

      ico.handle := ExtractIcon(hinstance, PChar(s), i);

    Result := ico;

Here an example how to use this function:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

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