
Rotate the text in a StringGrid cell by 90° (Views: 29)


How to rotate the text in a StringGrid cell by 90°


Solve 1:

  {...} Grids;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    StringGrid1: TStringGrid;
    procedure StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
      Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);




// Display text vertically in StringGrid cells

procedure StringGridRotateTextOut(Grid: TStringGrid; ARow, ACol: Integer; Rect: TRect;
  Schriftart: string; Size: Integer; Color: TColor; Alignment: TAlignment);
  lf: TLogFont;
  tf: TFont;
  // if the font is to big, resize it
  if (Size > Grid.ColWidths[ACol] div 2) then
    Size := Grid.ColWidths[ACol] div 2;
  with Grid.Canvas do
    // Replace the font
    Font.Name := Schriftart;
    Font.Size := Size;
    Font.Color := Color;
    tf := TFont.Create;
      GetObject(tf.Handle, SizeOf(lf), @lf);
      lf.lfEscapement := 900;
      lf.lfOrientation := 0;
      tf.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(lf);
    // fill the rectangle
    // Align text and write it
    if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
      TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Bottom - 2, Grid.Cells[ACol, ARow]);
    if Alignment = taCenter then
      TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + Grid.ColWidths[ACol] div 2 - Size +
        Size div 3, Rect.Bottom - 2, Grid.Cells[ACol, ARow]);
    if Alignment = taRightJustify then
      TextRect(Rect, Rect.Right - Size - Size div 2 - 2, Rect.Bottom -
        2, Grid.Cells[ACol, ARow]);

Solve 2:

Display text vertically in StringGrid cells

procedure StringGridRotateTextOut2(Grid: TStringGrid; ARow, ACol: Integer; Rect:
  Schriftart: string; Size: Integer; Color: TColor; Alignment: TAlignment);
  NewFont, OldFont: Integer;
  FontStyle, FontItalic, FontUnderline, FontStrikeout: Integer;
  // if the font is to big, resize it
  if (Size > Grid.ColWidths[ACol] div 2) then
    Size := Grid.ColWidths[ACol] div 2;
  with Grid.Canvas do
    // Set font
    if (fsBold in Font.Style) then
      FontStyle := FW_BOLD
      FontStyle := FW_NORMAL;

    if (fsItalic in Font.Style) then
      FontItalic := 1
      FontItalic := 0;

    if (fsUnderline in Font.Style) then
      FontUnderline := 1
      FontUnderline := 0;

    if (fsStrikeOut in Font.Style) then
      FontStrikeout := 1
      FontStrikeout := 0;

    Font.Color := Color;

    NewFont := CreateFont(Size, 0, 900, 0, FontStyle, FontItalic,
      FontUnderline, FontStrikeout, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
      DEFAULT_PITCH, PChar(Schriftart));

    OldFont := SelectObject(Handle, NewFont);
    // fill the rectangle
    // Write text depending on the alignment
    if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
      TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Bottom - 2, Grid.Cells[ACol, ARow]);
    if Alignment = taCenter then
      TextRect(Rect, Rect.Left + Grid.ColWidths[ACol] div 2 - Size + Size div 3,
        Rect.Bottom - 2, Grid.Cells[ACol, ARow]);
    if Alignment = taRightJustify then
      TextRect(Rect, Rect.Right - Size - Size div 2 - 2, Rect.Bottom - 2,
        Grid.Cells[ACol, ARow]);

    // Recreate reference to the old font
    SelectObject(Handle, OldFont);
    // Recreate reference to the new font

// Call the method in OnDrawCell

procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol,
  ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);
  // In the second column: Rotate Text by 90° and left align the text
  if ACol = 1 then
    StringGridRotateTextOut(StringGrid1, ARow, ACol, Rect, 'ARIAL',
      12, clRed, taLeftJustify);

  // In the third column: Center the text
  if ACol = 2 then
    StringGridRotateTextOut(StringGrid1, ARow, ACol, Rect, 'ARIAL', 12, clBlue,

  // In all other columns third row: right align the text
  if ACol > 2 then
    StringGridRotateTextOut(StringGrid1, ARow, ACol, Rect, 'ARIAL', 12, clGreen,


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