
Remote NT/W2000 Server Admin and Information Classes (Views: 28)


Remote NT/W2000 Server Admin and Information Classes  

Version 1.0.1 Available from mheydon@pgbison.co.za

  Added property LastErrorStr to ALL classes ( Stores last error string on a failed API call)

  Added property ShowErrorDialog to ALL classes ( Denotes whether LastErrorStr should be automatically
                                                                                   displayed or handled by user from property LastErrorStr)

  Added property Active to ALL classes (except TNTServerEventLog)  ( Denotes that the class created OK and all                                                                                                                  lib functions  are loaded and active.)

  Added property LogIsOpen to TNTServerEventLog  ( Denotes if an eventlog is currently Open)

  Added OVERLOAD parameters to ValidateUserLogonAPI and  ValidateUserLogonSSP to accomodate Error                 Message on failure.

  Added OPTION ShowCreateErrDialog : boolean = false to Create constructors to enable/disable error dialog on              class create.


This unit defines Classes that access remote machines and gains information from them. The unit currentlty only reads information. Many of the calls eg. NetServerGetInfo have equivalent NetServerSetInfo calls. It will be easy enough to modify these classes if write functionality is desired. (Bravehearts ONLY)

The following classes are implemeted ...

   TNTServerInfo      = class(TObject)

   TNTServerEventLog  = class(TObject)

   TNTServerServices  = class(TObject)

   TNTServerSessions  = class(TObject)

   TNTServerOpenFiles = class(TObject)

   TNTServerGroups    = class(TObject)

   TNTServerDisks     = class(TObject)

Plus Procedures and Functions ...

    procedure GetServerResources(const RootObject : string;
                                StringList : TStrings;
                                RecursiveEnum : boolean;
                                ResourceTypes : TNTServerResSet = [resAny])

   function ValidateUserLogon(const UserName : string;
                              const Domain : string;
                              const PassWord : string) : boolean;

NOTE : for Remote Registry Access see Borland's "TRegistry.RegistryConnect()"

Methods that set TStrings set the Items or Lines property to semi-colon ";" delimited fields. This format is ideal for my component TMultiColListBox or function General.ExtractField(). Flag DWORD fields can be tested via function General.AndEqual()
        if AndEqual(SI.ServerType,SV_TYPE_SERVER_UNIX) then ...

Most of the functions that set TStrings also allow a SET of Field Options which control the information returned in the columns of the individual Items/Lines of the TStringList.

Certain Classes have OVERLOADED Create constructors. This allows you to either Create an ATTACHED instance or a Simple UNATTACHED instance.In the case of TNTServerEventLog you can Create an instance that attachesto the server an opens the SourceName eventlog immediately, or just create the Class and then call OpenLog() to attach to the log. NOTE : OpenLog and similar methods in other classes will automatically close any previously opened log before opening the new log. Calling the Free method also closes any open log thus there is no need for a CloseLog() or similar methods.




  This class retrieves info on the specified server and users on that server. Use GetServerInfo() and GetUserInfo()       to load the Read Only info properties. Set properties LoadLoggedOnUserList and LoadActualUserList to true or
  false depending on wether this info is required or not. If they are NOT required then it is advisable to set them to     false form performance reasons.

  Create an instance. No parameters required.

  GetServerInfo(const MachineName : string) : boolean
  Loads the read only properties of the specified server.

  GetUserInfo(const MachineName : string const UserName : string) : boolean
  Loads the read only properties of the Sub-Properties of  property UserInfo.

  Comment                                         - read only string of Server Comment
  Version                                                 - read only string of LAN manager version
  UserPath                                         - read only string of path to User directories
  ServerType                                 - read only DWORD flag of server types (see Constants)
  MaxUserAccounts                 - read only DWORD user count who can log in
  ServerVisible                                 - read only boolean denotes if server is visible on network
  AutoDisconnectTime         - read only DWORD AutoDisconnectTime in minutes
  AnnounceRate                         - read only DWORD server network announce rate i seconds
  AnnounceDelta                         - read only DWORD delta value of announce rate in msecs
  ServerDateTime                 - read only TDateTime System Date and Time of server
  OffsetFromGMT                 - read only integer number of hours diff to GMT
  LoggedOnUsers                         - read only DWORD number of logged on users
  LoggedOnUserList         - TStringList of names of logged on users
  ActualUserList                         - TStringList of names of actual user accounts

  LoadLoggedOnUserList - boolean flag to optimize performance
  LoadActualUserList                 - boolean flag to optimize performance

  UserInfo - read only TNetUserInfo that has sub-properties ..
             .AccountName                     : string
             .PasswordAgeDays         : double num days since password changed
             .Privilege                               : byte (see constants)
             .HomeDirectory                  : string
             .Comment                                : string
             .UserFlags                              : LongWord determines features (see constants)
             .ScriptPath                              : string path of login script if any
             .FullName                                : string
             .UserComment             : string
             .Workstations                    : string comma sep list of logon workstations
             .LastLogon                       : TdateTime
             .LastLogoff                      : TDateTime
             .AcctExpires                            : TDateTime
             .MaxStorage                     : LongWord max amount of diskspace for user
             .BadPWCount              : LongWord number of incorrect password tries
             .LogonCount                      : LongWord number of successful logons
             .LogonServer                     : string of server for logon requests
             .CountryCode                     : LongWord
             .CodePage                        : LongWord
             .UserID                                  : LongWord relative ID (RID) of user
             .Profile                                 : string
             .HomeDirDrive            : string drive letter of home directory
             .PasswordExpired         : boolean of password expired or not



  Allows reading of remote server event logs. Can create class to  connect immediately connect to required log, or      to manually open logs. Source Names are the names refered to in registry key                                                            "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog".
  These names can be loaded into a list via method SourceNames(). The logs can be read either first to last or last      to first and can be traversed in either direction. The Read() method load the  read only property fields.

  Create(const MachineName : string; const SourceName : string;
             StartingRecord : TEventLogStartPos); overload
  Create(const MachineName : string); overload
  Overloaded Create for instance creation. Either connect to event log immediately or later using OpenLog()

  OpenLog(const SourceName : string; StartingRecord : TEventLogStartPos) : boolean
  Attempts to open the specified log. If a previous log was active it is closed first.

  Read(Direction : TEventLogReadDir) : boolean
  Loads the read only property fields of property LogInfo in the direction specified. Properties EOF and BOF              indicate end of file and beginning of file error conditions. The method returns false in these cases. Direction may    be rForwards or rBackwards.

  SourceNames(StringList : TStrings)
  Loads the Source Names from the registry of the remote server into a stringlist.

  Clears ALL entries in the open event log.

  Active                         - read only set to true if an event log is currently open
  NumEntries         - read only DWORD number of entries in current log
  Bof                                 - read only boolean indicating Beginning of File after Read()
  Eof                                 - read only boolean indicating End of File after Read()

  LogInfo - read only TLogInfoRecord that has Sub-Properties ...
            .RecordNumber          : DWORD
            .LogTime                       : TDateTime of time generated
            .LogText                       : TStrings containg text of log message
            .EventType                     : string of type of event
            .EventID                               : DWORD
            .EventCategory         : word
            .SourceName                    : string application source name
            .ComputerName          : string of computer name that created event



  Allows control of remote server services. Information can be loaded into the read only Sub-Properties of                  ServiceInfo by the method GetServiceInfo(). A string list can be loaded with optional field selection
  and Types and States. Service controls only support Stop and Start at this stage.

  Create(const MachineName : string)
  Creates an instance that connects to specified server

  ServiceNames(StringList : TStrings;
                         ServiceFields : TNTServerServiceFieldSet = [fServiceName];
                         ServiceTypes : TNTServerServiceTypes = stAllServices;
                         ServiceStates : TNTServerServiceStates = sAllStates);
  Loads a string list with optional field set of [fServiceName,fDisplayName,fStatus]. Services types can be
  stWin32,stDrivers or stAllServices. Service states can be sActive,sInActive  or sAllStates.

  GetServiceInfo(const ServiceName : string) : boolean
  Loads read only Sub-Properties of property ServiceInfo

  ServiceStop(const ServiceName : string) : boolean
  Stop the service specified by name

  ServiceStart(const ServiceName : string) : boolean
  Start the service specified by name

  ServiceInfo - read only that has Sub-Properties ...
                .DisplayName                      : string
                .Status                                           : string
                .StartType                                : string specifies how the service is started
                .ErrorControl                     : string specifies error severity
                .BinaryPathName           : string actual exe/binary file
                .ServiceStartName         : string account name of "Run As"
                .TypeFlag                                 : DWORD flag (see SERVER_STATUS WinApi Help)
                .ControlsFlag                     : DWORD flag (see SERVER_STATUS WinApi Help)



  Retrieves information on sessions of remote server. Selectable fields are available in the returned list.

  Create an instance of class.

  SessionNames(const MachineName : string;
                          StringList : TStrings;
                          SessionFields : TNTServerSessionsFieldSet = [fClientName])
  Loads a string list of sessions. Optional fields can be specified as a set



  Retrieves information of open files on remote server. Selectable fields are available in the returned list.

  Create an instance of class.

  OpenFiles(const MachineName : string;
                   StringList : TStrings;
                   OpenFileFields : TNTServerOpenFileFieldSet = [fPathName])
  Loads a string list of open files. Optional fields can be specified as a set of                                                                [fPathName,fUser,fFileID,fPermissions,fNumLocks]



  Retrieves information of groups on remote server. Selectable fields are available in the returned list.

  Create an instance of the class.

  GroupNames(const MachineName : string;
                        StringList : TStrings;
                        GroupFields : TNTServerGroupsFieldSet = [fGroupName])
  Loads a string list of groups. Optional fields can be specified as a set of                                                                     [fGroupname,fComment,fGroupID,fAttributeFlag]



  Retrieves a list of disks on the remote server

  Create an instance of the class.

  DiskNames(const MachineName : string; StringList : TStrings)
  Loads a string list of disks on the specified server. eg. "A:" "C:" etc.


procedure GetServerResources(const RootObject : string;
                                                 StringList : TStrings;
                                                 RecursiveEnum : boolean;
                                                 ResourceTypes : TNTServerResSet = [resAny])

  Loads a string list of resources from a remote server. RootObject is the starting point eg. '\\pgbbxbfs1'. If                  RootObject is '' then the start point is the root of the network. RecursiveEnum denotes whether
  to recurse through all sub containers as well. ResourceType may be a set of                                                               [resAny,resDomain,resServer,resDisk,resPrinter]


function ValidateUserLogon(const UserName : string;
                                             const Domain : string;
                                             const PassWord : string) : boolean

  Validates a users Name,Domain and Password returning true if OK else false


unit W2000Admin;

uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, DateUtils, Forms, Controls, WinSvc,

  // Property TNTServerInfo.UserInfo.UserFlags constants Mask
  UF_SCRIPT = 1;
  UF_LOCKOUT = $10;

  // Property TNTServerInfo.UserInfo.Privilege constants

  // Property TNTServerInfo.ServerType Mask of following values
  SV_TYPE_WORKSTATION = $00000001;
  SV_TYPE_SERVER = $00000002;
  SV_TYPE_SQLSERVER = $00000004;
  SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_CTRL = $00000008;
  SV_TYPE_TIME_SOURCE = $00000020;
  SV_TYPE_AFP = $00000040;
  SV_TYPE_NOVELL = $00000080;
  SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MEMBER = $00000100;
  SV_TYPE_PRINTQ_SERVER = $00000200;
  SV_TYPE_DIALIN_SERVER = $00000400;
  SV_TYPE_SERVER_UNIX = $00000800;
  SV_TYPE_NT = $00001000;
  SV_TYPE_WFW = $00002000;
  SV_TYPE_SERVER_MFPN = $00004000;
  SV_TYPE_SERVER_NT = $00008000;
  SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_MASTER = $00080000;
  SV_TYPE_SERVER_OSF = $00100000;
  SV_TYPE_SERVER_VMS = $00200000;
  SV_TYPE_WINDOWS = $00400000;
  SV_TYPE_DFS = $00800000;
  SV_TYPE_LOCAL_LIST_ONLY = $40000000;
  SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM = $80000000;

  // Event Log Read Constants

  // Session Info User Flags

  // Open File Permiisions

  // Types for GetServerResources()
  TNTServerRes = (resAny, resDomain, resServer, resDisk, resPrinter);
  TNTServerResSet = set of TNTServerRes;

  // Types for NTServerServices
  TNTServerServiceTypes = (stWin32, stDrivers, stAllServices);
  TNTServerServiceStates = (sActive, sInActive, sAllStates);
  TNTServerServiceFields = (fServiceName, fDisplayName, fStatus);
  TNTServerServiceFieldSet = set of TNTServerServiceFields;

  // Types for NTServerSessions
  TNTServerSessionsFields = (fClientName, fUserName, fNumOpens,
    fTimeActive, fIdleTime, fUserFlag,
    fClientType, fTransport);
  TNTServerSessionsFieldSet = set of TNTServerSessionsFields;

  // Types for TNTServerOpenFiles
  TNTServerOpenFileFields = (fPathName, fUser, fFileID, fPermissions,
  TNTServerOpenFileFieldSet = set of TNTServerOpenFileFields;

  // Types for TNTServerGroups
  TNTServerGroupsFields = (fGroupname, fComment, fGroupID, fAttributeFlag);
  TNTServerGroupsFieldSet = set of TNTServerGroupsFields;

  // Types for TNTServerEventLog
  TEventLogReadDir = (rForwards, rBackwards);
  TEventLogStartPos = (sFirst, sLast);

  // -------------------------------------
  // External DLL mappings to NETAPI32.DLL
  // -------------------------------------

  TNetRemoteTOD = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    var pbBuffer: pointer): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetServerGetInfo = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetWkstaGetInfo = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetApiBufferFree = function(Buffer: pointer): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetWkstaUserEnum = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer;
    PrefMaxLen: LongInt;
    var EntriesRead: DWORD;
    var TotalEntries: DWORD;
    var ResumeHandle: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetUserEnum = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    Filter: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer;
    PrefMaxLen: LongInt;
    var EntriesRead: DWORD;
    var TotalEntries: DWORD;
    var ResumeHandle: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetUserGetInfo = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    pszUserName: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetSessionEnum = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    pszClientName: PWideChar;
    pszUserName: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer;
    PrefMaxLen: LongInt;
    var EntriesRead: DWORD;
    var TotalEntries: DWORD;
    var ResumeHandle: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetFileEnum = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    pszBasePath: PWideChar;
    pszUserName: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer;
    PrefMaxLen: LongInt;
    var EntriesRead: DWORD;
    var TotalEntries: DWORD;
    var ResumeHandle: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetGroupEnum = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer;
    PrefMaxLen: LongInt;
    var EntriesRead: DWORD;
    var TotalEntries: DWORD;
    var ResumeHandle: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;

  TNetServerDiskEnum = function(pszServer: PWideChar;
    Level: DWORD;
    var pbBuffer: pointer;
    PrefMaxLen: LongInt;
    var EntriesRead: DWORD;
    var TotalEntries: DWORD;
    var ResumeHandle: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;

  // Record Structure as returned by NTServerInfo.GetUserInfo()
  // in property TNTServerInfo.UserInfo
  TNetUserInfo = record
    AccountName: string;
    PasswordAgeDays: double;
    Privilege: byte;
    HomeDirectory: string;
    Comment: string;
    UserFlags: LongWord;
    ScriptPath: string;
    FullName: string;
    UserComment: string;
    Workstations: string;
    LastLogon: TdateTime;
    LastLogoff: TDateTime;
    AcctExpires: TDateTime;
    MaxStorage: LongWord;
    BadPWCount: LongWord;
    LogonCount: LongWord;
    LogonServer: string;
    CountryCode: LongWord;
    CodePage: LongWord;
    UserID: LongWord;
    Profile: string;
    HomeDirDrive: string;
    PasswordExpired: boolean;

  // ======================
  // Class TNTServerInfo
  // ======================
  TNTServerInfo = class(TObject)
    FUserInfo: TNetUserInfo;
      FActualUserList: TStringList;
    FServerdateTime: TDateTime;
      FServerVisible: boolean;
    FOffsetFromGMT: integer;
      FServerType: DWORD;
      FComment: string;
    FLibHandle: THandle;
    FNetRemoteTOD: TNetRemoteTOD;
    FNetServerGetInfo: TNetServerGetInfo;
    FNetWkstaGetInfo: TNetWkstaGetInfo;
    FNetWkstaUserEnum: TNetWkstaUserEnum;
    FNetUserEnum: TNetUserEnum;
    FNetUserGetInfo: TNetUserGetInfo;
    FNetApiBufferFree: TNetApiBufferFree;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    // Call to load read-only properties
    function GetServerInfo(const MachineName: string): boolean;
    function GetUserInfo(const MachineName: string;
      const UserName: string): boolean;

    // Read only server properties
    property Comment: string read FComment;
    property Version: string read FVersion;
    property UserPath: string read FUserPath;
    property ServerType: DWORD read FServerType;
    property MaxUserAccounts: DWORD read FMaxUserAccounts;
    property ServerVisible: boolean read FServerVisible;
    property AutoDisconnectTime: DWORD read FAutoDisconnectTime;
    property AnnounceRate: DWORD read FAnnounceRate;
    property AnnounceDelta: DWORD read FAnnounceDelta;
    property ServerDateTime: TDateTime read FServerDateTime;
    property OffsetFromGMT: integer read FOffsetFromGMT;
    property LoggedOnUsers: DWORD read FLoggedOnUsers;
    property LoggedOnUserList: TStringList read FLoggedOnUserList;
    property ActualUserList: TStringList read FActualUserList;
    property UserInfo: TNetUserInfo read FUserInfo;

    // performance properties
    property LoadLoggedOnUserList: boolean read FLoadLoggedOnUserList
      write FLoadLoggedOnUserList;
    property LoadActualUserList: boolean read FLoadActualUserList
      write FLoadActualUserList;

  // Record structure for property TNTServerEventLog.LogInfo
  TLogInfoRecord = record
    RecordNumber: DWORD;
    LogTime: TDateTime;
    LogText: TStrings;
    EventType: string;
    EventID: DWORD;
    EventCategory: word;
    SourceName: string;
    ComputerName: string;

  // ========================
  // Class NTServerEventLog
  // ========================
  TNTServerEventLog = class(TObject)
    FMachineName: string;
    FBof, FEof: boolean;
    FLogText: TStringList;
    FLogInfo: TLogInfoRecord;
    FBaseDate: TDateTime;
    ELogHandle: THandle;
    FActive: boolean;
      FNumEntries: DWORD;
    constructor Create(const MachineName: string;
      const SourceName: string;
      StartingRecord: TEventLogStartPos); overload;
    constructor Create(const MachineName: string); overload;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    function OpenLog(const SourceName: string;
      StartingRecord: TEventLogStartPos): boolean;
    function Read(Direction: TEventLogReadDir): boolean;
    procedure SourceNames(StringList: TStrings);
    procedure Clear;
    property Active: boolean read FActive;
    property NumEntries: DWORD read FNumEntries;
    property Bof: boolean read FBof;
    property Eof: boolean read FEof;
    property LogInfo: TLogInfoRecord read FLogInfo;

  // Record Structure for TNTServerServices.ServiceInfo
  TNTServerServiceInfo = record
    DisplayName: string;
    Status: string;
    StartType: string;
    ErrorControl: string;
    BinaryPathName: string;
    ServiceStartName: string;
    TypeFlag: DWORD;
    ControlsFlag: DWORD;

  // ==================
  // TNTServerServices
  // ==================
  TNTServerServices = class(TObject)
    FHandle: THandle;
    FActive: boolean;
    FServiceInfo: TNTServerServiceInfo;
    constructor Create(const MachineName: string);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure ServiceNames(StringList: TStrings;
      ServiceFields: TNTServerServiceFieldSet = [fServiceName];
      ServiceTypes: TNTServerServiceTypes = stAllServices;
      ServiceStates: TNTServerServiceStates = sAllStates);
    function GetServiceInfo(const ServiceName: string): boolean;
    function ServiceStop(const ServiceName: string): boolean;
    function ServiceStart(const ServiceName: string): boolean;
    property ServiceInfo: TNTServerServiceInfo read FServiceInfo;

  // ====================
  // TNTServerSessions
  // ====================
  TNTServerSessions = class(TObject)
    FLibHandle: THandle;
    FNetSessionEnum: TNetSessionEnum;
    FNetApiBufferFree: TNetApiBufferFree;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure SessionNames(const MachineName: string;
      StringList: TStrings;
      SessionFields: TNTServerSessionsFieldSet = [fClientName]);

  // ====================
  // TNTServerGroups
  // ====================
  TNTServerGroups = class(TObject)
    FLibHandle: THandle;
    FNetGroupEnum: TNetGroupEnum;
    FNetApiBufferFree: TNetApiBufferFree;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure GroupNames(const MachineName: string;
      StringList: TStrings;
      GroupFields: TNTServerGroupsFieldSet = [fGroupName]);

  // ====================
  // TNTServerDiskc
  // ====================
  TNTServerDisks = class(TObject)
    FLibHandle: THandle;
    FNetServerDiskEnum: TNetServerDiskEnum;
    FNetApiBufferFree: TNetApiBufferFree;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure DiskNames(const MachineName: string;
      StringList: TStrings);

  // =======================
  // TNTServerOpenFiles
  // =======================
  TNTServerOpenFiles = class(TObject)
    FLibHandle: THandle;
    FNetFileEnum: TNetFileEnum;
    FNetApiBufferFree: TNetApiBufferFree;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;
    procedure OpenFiles(const MachineName: string;
      StringList: TStrings;
      OpenFileFields: TNTServerOpenFileFieldSet = [fPathName]);


  // ====================
  // System Functions
  // ====================

procedure GetServerResources(const RootObject: string;
  StringList: TStrings;
  RecursiveEnum: boolean;
  ResourceTypes: TNTServerResSet = [resAny]);

function ValidateUserLogon(const UserName: string;
  const Domain: string;
  const PassWord: string): boolean;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  // NetGetServerInfo Internal Structure
  PServerInfo102 = ^TServerInfo102;
  TServerInfo102 = packed record
    sv102_platform_id: DWORD;
    sv102_name: PWideChar;
    sv102_version_major: DWORD;
    sv102_version_minor: DWORD;
    sv102_type: DWORD;
    sv102_comment: PWideChar;
    sv102_users: DWORD;
    sv102_disc: LongWord;
    sv102_hidden: BOOL;
    sv102_announce: DWORD;
    sv102_anndelta: DWORD;
    sv102_userpath: PWideChar;

  // NetRemoteTOD Internal Structure
  PTimeOfDayInfo = ^TTimeOfDayInfo;
  TTimeOfDayInfo = packed record
    tod_elapsedt: DWORD;
    tod_msecs: DWORD;
    tod_hours: LongInt;
    tod_mins: DWORD;
    tod_secs: DWORD;
    tod_hunds: DWORD;
    tod_timezone: LongInt;
    tod_tinterval: DWORD;
    tod_day: DWORD;
    tod_month: DWORD;
    tod_year: DWORD;
    tod_weekday: DWORD;

  // NetWkstaGetInfo Internal Structure
  PWkstaInfo102 = ^TWkstaInfo102;
  TWkstaInfo102 = packed record
    wki102_platform_id: DWORD;
    wki102_computername: PWideChar;
    wki102_langroup: PWideChar;
    wki102_ver_major: DWORD;
    wki102_ver_minor: DWORD;
    wki102_lanroot: PWideChar;
    wki102_logged_on_users: DWORD;

  // NetWkstaUserEnum - NetUserEnum Internal Structure
  PWkstaUserInfo = ^TWkstaUserInfo;
  TWkstauserInfo = packed record
    wkui1_username: PWideChar;

  // Internal structure for GetUserInfo
  // maps into TNetUserInfo
  PNetUserInfoInternal = ^TNetUserInfoInternal;
  TNetUserInfoInternal = packed record
    AccountName: PWideChar;
    Password: PWideChar;
    PasswordAge: DWORD;
    Priv: DWORD;
    HomeDir: PWideChar;
    Comment: PWideChar;
    Flags: DWORD;
    ScriptPath: PWideChar;
    AuthFlags: PWideChar;
    FullName: PWideChar;
    UsrComment: PWideChar;
    Parms: PWideChar;
    Workstations: PWideChar;
    LastLogon: DWORD;
    LastLogoff: DWORD;
    AcctExpires: DWORD;
    MaxStorage: DWORD;
    UnitsPerWeek: DWORD;
    LogonHours: PBYTE;
    BadPWCount: DWORD;
    NumLogons: DWORD;
    LogonServer: PWideChar;
    CountryCode: DWORD;
    CodePage: DWORD;
    UserID: DWORD;
    PrimaryGroupID: DWORD;
    Profile: PWideChar;
    HomeDirDrive: PWideChar;
    PasswordExpired: DWORD;

  // Internal Structure for TNTServerSessions
  PSessionInfoStruc = ^TSessionInfoStruc;
  TSessionInfoStruc = packed record
    ses_cname: PWideChar;
    ses_username: PWideChar;
    ses_numopens: DWORD;
    ses_time: DWORD;
    ses_idletime: DWORD;
    ses_userflags: DWORD;
    ses_cltypename: PWideChar;
    ses_transport: PWideChar;

  // Internal Structure for TNTServerOpenFiles
  PFileInfoStruc = ^TFileInfoStruc;
  TFileInfoStruc = packed record
    f_id: DWORD;
    f_permissions: DWORD;
    f_numlocks: DWORD;
    f_pathname: PWideChar;
    f_username: PWideChar;

  // Internal Structure for TNTServerGroups
  PGroupInfoStruc = ^TGroupInfoStruc;
  TGroupInfoStruc = packed record
    g_name: PWideChar;
    g_comment: PWideChar;
    g_id: DWORD;
    g_attributes: DWORD;

  // Internal Structure for TNTServerDisks
  PDiskInfoStruc = ^TDiskInfoStruc;
  TDiskInfoStruc = packed record
    d_name: array[1..6] of char;

  // Internal structure for event logs
  PEventLogStruc = ^TEventLogStruc;
  TEventLogStruc = packed record
    Length: DWORD;
    Reserved: DWORD;
    RecordNumber: DWORD;
    TimeGenerated: DWORD;
    TimeWritten: DWORD;
    EventID: DWORD;
    EventType: WORD;
    NumStrings: WORD;
    EventCategory: WORD;
    ReservedFlags: WORD;
    ClosingRecordNumber: DWORD;
    StringOffset: DWORD;
    UserSidLength: DWORD;
    UserSidOffset: DWORD;
    DataLength: DWORD;
    DataOffset: DWORD;
    // Then follows Variant Area .....
    // TCHAR SourceName[]
    // TCHAR Computername[]
    // SID   UserSid
    // TCHAR Strings[]
    // BYTE  Data[]
    // CHAR  Pad[]
    // DWORD Length;

  // =============================================================================
  // TNTServerInfo
  // =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerInfo.Create;
  FLoggedOnUserList := TStringList.Create;
  FActualUserList := TStringList.Create;
  FAutoDisconnectTime := 0;
  FComment := '';
  FVersion := '';
  FServerType := 0;
  FMaxUserAccounts := 0;
  FUserPath := '';
  FServerVisible := false;
  FAnnounceRate := 0;
  FAnnounceDelta := 0;
  FServerDateTime := 0.0;
  FOffsetFromGMT := 0;
  FLoggedOnUsers := 0;
  FLoadLoggedOnuserList := true;
  FLoadActualUserList := true;

  FLibHandle := LoadLibrary('NETAPI32.DLL');

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    @FNetRemoteTOD := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetRemoteTOD');
    @FNetServerGetInfo := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetServerGetInfo');
    @FNetWkstaGetInfo := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetWkstaGetInfo');
    @FNetWkstaUserEnum := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetWkstaUserEnum');
    @FNetUserEnum := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetUserEnum');
    @FNetUserGetInfo := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetUserGetInfo');
    @FNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetApiBufferFree');

destructor TNTServerInfo.Destroy;
  if FLibHandle <> 0 then

  inherited Destroy;

// ======================================
// Retrieve all server information
// ======================================

function TNTServerInfo.GetServerInfo(const MachineName: string): boolean;
  pBuffer, pDateBuffer,
    pWkstaBuffer, pUserBuffer: pointer;
  pIncUser: PWkstaUserInfo;
  Retvar: boolean;
  pszServer: array[0..128] of WideChar;
  i, NetResult: integer;
  EntriesRead, TotalEntries,
    ResumeHandle: DWORD;
  pBuffer := nil;
  pDateBuffer := nil;
  pWkstaBuffer := nil;
  pUserBuffer := nil;
  Retvar := false;

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    NetResult := FNetServerGetInfo(StringToWideChar(MachineName, pszServer,
      129), 102, pBuffer);
    if NetResult = 0 then
      // SUCCESS
      Retvar := true;

      with PServerInfo102(pBuffer)^ do
        if sv102_comment <> nil then
          FComment := WideCharToString(sv102_comment)
          FComment := '';

        if sv102_userpath <> nil then
          FUserPath := WideCharToString(sv102_userpath)
          FUserPath := '';

        FVersion := IntToStr(sv102_version_major) + '.' +
        FServerType := sv102_type;
        FMaxUserAccounts := sv102_users;
        FServerVisible := not boolean(sv102_hidden);
        FAutoDisconnectTime := sv102_disc;
        FAnnounceRate := sv102_announce;
        FAnnounceDelta := sv102_anndelta;

      // Try get Server Date Time
      NetResult := FNetRemoteTOD(pszServer, pDateBuffer);

      if NetResult = 0 then
        with PTimeOfDayInfo(pDateBuffer)^ do
          // Adjust to GMT
          FOffsetFromGMT := tod_timezone div 60;
          tod_hours := tod_hours - FOffsetFromGMT;
          FOffsetFromGMT := FOffsetFromGMT * -1;
          if not TryEncodeDateTime(tod_year, tod_month, tod_day,
            tod_hours, tod_mins, tod_secs, 0,
            FServerDateTime) then
            FServerDateTime := 0.0;
        FServerDateTime := 0.0;

      if pDateBuffer <> nil then

      // Try get logged on user count
      NetResult := FNetWkstaGetInfo(pszServer, 102, pWkstaBuffer);
      if NetResult = 0 then
        with PWkstaInfo102(pWkstaBuffer)^ do
          FLoggedOnUsers := wki102_logged_on_users;
        FLoggedOnUsers := 0;

      if pWkstaBuffer <> nil then

      // Add logged on user name to string list if required
      if FLoadLoggedOnUserList then
        ResumeHandle := 0;
        NetResult := FNetWkstaUserEnum(pszServer, 0, pUserBuffer, -1, EntriesRead,
          TotalEntries, Resumehandle);
        if NetResult = 0 then
          pIncUser := pUserBuffer;

          for i := 1 to EntriesRead do

        if pUserBuffer <> nil then

      // Add actual user name to string list if required
      if FLoadActualUserList then
        pUserBuffer := nil;
        ResumeHandle := 0;
        NetResult := FNetUserEnum(pszServer, 0, 0, pUserBuffer, -1, EntriesRead,
          TotalEntries, Resumehandle);
        if NetResult = 0 then
          pIncUser := pUserBuffer;

          for i := 1 to EntriesRead do

        if pUserBuffer <> nil then
      // FAILURE
      Retvar := false;
      FAutoDisconnectTime := 0;
      FComment := '';
      FVersion := '';
      FServerType := 0;
      FMaxUserAccounts := 0;
      FUserPath := '';
      FServerVisible := false;
      FAnnounceRate := 0;
      FAnnounceDelta := 0;
      FServerDateTime := 0.0;
      FOffsetFromGMT := 0;
      FLoggedOnUsers := 0;

    if pBuffer <> nil then

  Result := Retvar;

// ==============================================
// Load userinfo into property userinfo
// ==============================================

function TNTServerInfo.GetUserInfo(const MachineName: string;
  const UserName: string): boolean;
  pBuffer: pointer;
  Retvar: boolean;
    pszServer: array[0..128] of WideChar;
  NetResult: integer;
  BaseDate: TDateTime;
  pBuffer := nil;
  Retvar := false;
  BaseDate := EncodeDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    NetResult := FNetUserGetInfo(StringToWideChar(MachineName, pszServer, 129),
      StringToWideChar(UserName, pszUserName, 129),
      3, pBuffer);
    if NetResult = 0 then
      // SUCCESS
      Retvar := true;
      with PNetUserInfoInternal(pBuffer)^ do
        FUserInfo.AccountName := WideCharToString(AccountName);
        FUserInfo.PasswordAgeDays := PasswordAge / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0;
        FUserInfo.Privilege := priv;
        FUserInfo.HomeDirectory := WideCharToString(HomeDir);
        FUserInfo.Comment := WideCharToString(Comment);
        FuserInfo.UserFlags := Flags;
        FUserInfo.ScriptPath := WideCharToString(ScriptPath);
        FUserInfo.FullName := WideCharToString(FullName);
        FUserInfo.UserComment := WideCharToString(UsrComment);
        FUserInfo.WorkStations := WideCharToString(WorkStations);
        FUserInfo.LastLogOn := IncSecond(BaseDate, LastLogon);
        FUserInfo.LastLogOff := IncSecond(BaseDate, LastLogOff);
        FUserInfo.AcctExpires := IncSecond(BaseDate, AcctExpires);
        FUserInfo.MaxStorage := MaxStorage;
        FUserInfo.BadPWCount := BadPWCount;
        FUserInfo.LogonCount := NumLogons;
        FUserInfo.LogonServer := LogonServer;
        FUserInfo.CountryCode := CountryCode;
        FUserInfo.CodePage := CodePage;
        FUserInfo.UserID := UserID;
        FUserInfo.Profile := WideCharToString(Profile);
        FUserInfo.HomeDirDrive := WideCharToString(HomeDirDrive);
        FUserInfo.PasswordExpired := (PasswordExpired <> 0);
      // FAILURE
      Retvar := false;
      FuserInfo.AccountName := '';
      FUserInfo.PasswordAgeDays := 0.0;
      FUserInfo.Privilege := 0;
      FUserInfo.HomeDirectory := '';
      FUserInfo.Comment := '';
      FUserInfo.UserFlags := 0;
      FUserInfo.ScriptPath := '';
      FUserInfo.FullName := '';
      FUserInfo.UserComment := '';
      FUserInfo.Workstations := '';
      FUserInfo.LastLogon := BaseDate;
      FUserInfo.LastLogoff := BaseDate;
      FUserInfo.AcctExpires := BaseDate;
      FUserInfo.MaxStorage := 0;
      FUserInfo.BadPWCount := 0;
      FUserInfo.LogonCount := 0;
      FUserInfo.LogonServer := '';
      FUserInfo.CountryCode := 0;
      FUserInfo.CodePage := 0;
      FUserInfo.UserID := 0;
      FUserInfo.Profile := '';
      FUserInfo.HomeDirDrive := '';
      FUserInfo.PasswordExpired := true;

    if pBuffer <> nil then

  Result := Retvar;

// =============================================================================
// TNTServerEventLog
// =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerEventLog.Create(const MachineName: string;
  const SourceName: string;
  StartingRecord: TEventLogStartPos);
  FMachineName := MachineName;
  FBaseDate := EncodeDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  ELogHandle := OpenEventLog(PChar(FMachineName), PChar(SourceName));
  FLogText := TStringList.Create;

  if ELogHandle <> 0 then
    FActive := true;
    if not GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(ELogHandle, FNumEntries) then
      FNumEntries := 0;

    if FNumEntries = 0 then
      FBof := true;
      FEof := true;
      if StartingRecord = sFirst then
        FRecordOffset := 1
        FRecordOffset := FNumEntries;
      FBof := false;
      FEof := false;
    FActive := false;
    FNumEntries := 0;
    FRecordOffset := 0;
    FEof := true;
    FBof := true;


constructor TNTServerEventLog.Create(const MachineName: string);
  FMachineName := MachineName;
  FBaseDate := EncodeDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  ELogHandle := 0;
  FLogText := TStringList.Create;
  FActive := false;
  FNumEntries := 0;
  FRecordOffset := 0;
  FEof := true;
  FBof := true;

function TNTServerEventLog.OpenLog(const SourceName: string;
  StartingRecord: TEventLogStartPos): boolean;
  if FActive then
  ELogHandle := OpenEventLog(PChar(FMachineName), PChar(SourceName));

  if ELogHandle <> 0 then
    FActive := true;
    if not GetNumberOfEventLogRecords(ELogHandle, FNumEntries) then
      FNumEntries := 0;

    if FNumEntries = 0 then
      FBof := true;
      FEof := true;
      if StartingRecord = sFirst then
        FRecordOffset := 1
        FRecordOffset := FNumEntries;
      FBof := false;
      FEof := false;
    FActive := false;
    FNumEntries := 0;
    FRecordOffset := 0;
    FEof := true;
    FBof := true;

  Result := FActive;

destructor TNTServerEventLog.Destroy;
  if FActive then
  inherited Destroy;

function TNTServerEventLog.Read(Direction: TEventLogReadDir): boolean;
  Retvar: boolean;
    i, BytesRead,
    BytesNeeded: DWORD;
  Rec: TEventLogStruc;
  Buffer: pointer;
  TxtStrings: PChar;
  if FActive and (FNumEntries > 0) then

    if Direction = rForwards then

    // Cause buffer too small error to get actual buffer size
    ReadEventLog(ELogHandle, ReadDirection, FRecordOffset, @Rec,
      SizeOf(TEventLogStruc), BytesRead, BytesNeeded);
    // Calc actual size required
    GetMem(Buffer, BytesNeeded);
    BytesToRead := BytesNeeded;
    // Now read the record into correct sized buffer
    Retvar := ReadEventLog(ELogHandle, ReadDirection, FRecordOffset, Buffer,
      BytesToRead, BytesRead, BytesNeeded);

    if Retvar then
      with PEventLogStruc(Buffer)^ do
        FLogInfo.RecordNumber := FRecordOffset;
        FLogInfo.LogTime := IncSecond(FBaseDate, TimeGenerated);
        FLogInfo.EventID := EventID;
        FLogInfo.EventCategory := EventCategory;

        case EventType of
          EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE: FLogInfo.EventType := 'ERROR';
          EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE: FLogInfo.EventType := 'WARNING';
          FLogInfo.EventType := 'UNKNOWN';

        // Message Text
        TxtStrings := Buffer;
        inc(TxtStrings, StringOffset);
        BytesNeeded := System.Length(TxtStrings);

        for i := 2 to NumStrings do
          inc(TxtStrings, BytesNeeded + 1);
          BytesNeeded := System.Length(TxtStrings);

        FLogInfo.LogText := FLogText;

        // SourceName
        TxtStrings := Buffer;
        inc(TxtStrings, SizeOf(TEventLogStruc));
        BytesNeeded := System.Length(TxtStrings);
        FLogInfo.SourceName := TxtStrings;

        // ComputerName
        inc(TxtStrings, BytesNeeded + 1);
        FLogInfo.ComputerName := TxtStrings;
      FLogInfo.RecordNumber := 0;
      FLogInfo.LogTime := FBaseDate;
      FLogInfo.EventType := '';
      FLogInfo.EventID := 0;
      FLogInfo.EventCategory := 0;
      FLogInfo.SourceName := '';

    FBof := false;
    FEof := false;

    if Direction = rForwards then
      if FRecordOffset > FNumEntries then
        FEof := true;
        FRecordOffset := FNumEntries;
      if FRecordOffset = 0 then
        FBof := true;
        FRecordOffset := 1;
    Retvar := false;

  Result := Retvar;

procedure TNTServerEventLog.Clear;
  if FActive then
    ClearEventLog(ELogHandle, nil);
  FNumEntries := 0;

procedure TNTServerEventLog.SourceNames(StringList: TStrings);
  KEYPATH = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog';
  WinReg: TRegistry;
  WinReg := TRegistry.Create;

  if WinReg.RegistryConnect(FMachineName) then
    if WinReg.OpenKeyReadOnly(KEYPATH) then


// =============================================================================
// TNTServerServices
// =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerServices.Create(const MachineName: string);
  FHandle := OpenSCManager(PChar(MachineName), nil, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);
  FActive := FHandle <> 0;

destructor TNTServerServices.Destroy;
  if FActive then
  inherited Destroy;

procedure TNTServerServices.ServiceNames(StringList: TStrings;
  ServiceFields: TNTServerServiceFieldSet = [fServiceName];
  ServiceTypes: TNTServerServiceTypes = stAllServices;
  ServiceStates: TNTServerServiceStates = sAllStates);

  ListServices, ListStates,
    E, i, BuffSize, NumEntries,
    BytesNeeded, ResumeHandle: DWORD;
  Data: string;

  if FActive then
    if ServiceFields = [] then
      ServiceFields := [fServiceName];
    ResumeHandle := 0;

    case ServiceTypes of
      stWin32: ListServices := SERVICE_WIN32;
      stDrivers: ListServices := SERVICE_DRIVER;
      stAllServices: ListServices := SERVICE_TYPE_ALL;
      ListServices := SERVICE_TYPE_ALL;

    case ServiceStates of
      sActive: ListStates := SERVICE_ACTIVE;
      sInActive: ListStates := SERVICE_INACTIVE;
      sAllStates: ListStates := SERVICE_STATE_ALL;
      ListStates := SERVICE_STATE_ALL;

    while true do
      BuffSize := SizeOf(SvcArr);
      EnumServicesStatus(FHandle, ListServices, ListStates, SvcArr[1],
        BuffSize, BytesNeeded, NumEntries, ResumeHandle);
      E := GetLastError;

      if E in [NO_ERROR, ERROR_MORE_DATA] then
        for i := 1 to NumEntries do
          Data := '';
          if fServiceName in ServiceFields then
            Data := Data + ';' + SvcArr[i].lpServiceName;
          if fDisplayName in ServiceFields then
            Data := Data + ';' + SvcArr[i].lpDisplayName;

          if fStatus in ServiceFields then
            case SvcArr[i].ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState of
              SERVICE_STOPPED: Data := Data + ';' + 'STOPPED';
              SERVICE_START_PENDING: Data := Data + ';' + 'STARTING';
              SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: Data := Data + ';' + 'STOPPING';
              SERVICE_RUNNING: Data := Data + ';' + 'RUNNING';
              SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: Data := Data + ';' + 'CONTINUING';
              SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: Data := Data + ';' + 'PAUSING';
              SERVICE_PAUSED: Data := Data + ';' + 'PAUSED';
              Data := Data + ';' + 'UNKNOWN';

          delete(Data, 1, 1);

      if (E = NO_ERROR) or (E <> ERROR_MORE_DATA) then


function TNTServerServices.GetServiceInfo(const ServiceName: string): boolean;
  SHandle: THandle;
  Retvar: boolean;
  Status: TServiceStatus;
  Buffer: pointer;
  Dummy: DWORD;
  Config: PQueryServiceConfig;
  ActualSize, BytesNeeded: DWORD;
  FillChar(FServiceInfo, SizeOf(TNTServerServiceInfo), 0);
  Retvar := false;

  if FActive then
    SHandle := OpenService(FHandle, PChar(ServiceName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

    if SHandle <> 0 then
      if QueryServiceStatus(SHandle, Status) then
        case Status.dwCurrentState of
          SERVICE_STOPPED: FServiceInfo.Status := 'STOPPED';
          SERVICE_START_PENDING: FServiceInfo.Status := 'STARTING';
          SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: FServiceInfo.Status := 'STOPPING';
          SERVICE_RUNNING: FServiceInfo.Status := 'RUNNING';
          SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: FServiceInfo.Status := 'CONTINUING';
          SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: FServiceInfo.Status := 'PAUSING';
          SERVICE_PAUSED: FServiceInfo.Status := 'PAUSED';
          FServiceInfo.Status := 'UNKNOWN';

        FServiceInfo.TypeFlag := Status.dwServiceType;
        FServiceInfo.ControlsFlag := Status.dwControlsAccepted;

      // Force error to get actual size required
      QueryServiceConfig(SHandle, @Dummy, SizeOf(Dummy), BytesNeeded);
      GetMem(Buffer, BytesNeeded);
      ActualSize := BytesNeeded;

      if QueryServiceConfig(SHandle, Buffer, ActualSize, BytesNeeded) then
        Config := Buffer;

        case Config.dwStartType of
          SERVICE_BOOT_START: FServiceInfo.StartType := 'BOOT';
          SERVICE_SYSTEM_START: FServiceInfo.StartType := 'SYSTEM';
          SERVICE_AUTO_START: FServiceInfo.StartType := 'AUTO';
          SERVICE_DEMAND_START: FServiceInfo.StartType := 'MANUAL';
          SERVICE_DISABLED: FServiceInfo.StartType := 'DISABLED';
          FServiceInfo.StartType := 'UNKNOWN';

        case Config.dwErrorControl of
          SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE: FServiceInfo.ErrorControl := 'IGNORE';
          SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL: FServiceInfo.ErrorControl := 'NORMAL';
          SERVICE_ERROR_SEVERE: FServiceInfo.ErrorControl := 'SEVERE';
          SERVICE_ERROR_CRITICAL: FServiceInfo.ErrorControl := 'CRITICAL';
          FServiceInfo.ErrorControl := 'UNKNOWN';

        FServiceInfo.BinaryPathName := Config.lpBinaryPathName;
        FServiceInfo.DisplayName := Config.lpDisplayName;
        FServiceInfo.ServiceStartName := Config.lpServiceStartName;


  Result := Retvar;

function TNTServerServices.ServiceStop(const ServiceName: string): boolean;
  SHandle: THandle;
  Status: TServiceStatus;
  dwCheckPoint: DWORD;
  Retvar: boolean;
  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
  Retvar := false;

  if FActive then
    SHandle := OpenService(FHandle, PChar(ServiceName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

    if SHandle <> 0 then
      if (ControlService(SHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, Status)) then
        if (QueryServiceStatus(SHandle, Status)) then
          while (SERVICE_STOPPED <> Status.dwCurrentState) do
            dwCheckPoint := Status.dwCheckPoint;

            if (not QueryServiceStatus(SHandle, Status)) then
              // couldn't check status

            if (Status.dwCheckPoint < dwCheckPoint) then

    Retvar := (SERVICE_STOPPED = Status.dwCurrentState);

  Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
  Result := Retvar;

function TNTServerServices.ServiceStart(const ServiceName: string): boolean;
  SHandle: THandle;
  Status: TServiceStatus;
  Temp: PChar;
  dwCheckPoint: DWORD;
  Retvar: boolean;
  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
  Retvar := false;

  if FActive then
    Status.dwCurrentState := 1;

    SHandle := OpenService(FHandle, PChar(ServiceName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);

    if SHandle <> 0 then
      Temp := nil;
      if (StartService(SHandle, 0, Temp)) then
        if (QueryServiceStatus(SHandle, Status)) then
          while (SERVICE_RUNNING <> Status.dwCurrentState) do
            dwCheckPoint := Status.dwCheckPoint;
            if (not QueryServiceStatus(SHandle, Status)) then
            if (Status.dwCheckPoint < dwCheckPoint) then
              // QueryServiceStatus didn't increment dwCheckPoint

    Retvar := (SERVICE_RUNNING = Status.dwCurrentState);

  Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
  Result := Retvar;

// =============================================================================
// TNTServerSessions
// =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerSessions.Create;
  FLibHandle := LoadLibrary('NETAPI32.DLL');

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    @FNetSessionEnum := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetSessionEnum');
    @FNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetApiBufferFree');


destructor TNTServerSessions.Destroy;
  if FLibHandle <> 0 then

  inherited Destroy;

procedure TNTServerSessions.SessionNames(const MachineName: string;
  StringList: TStrings;
  SessionFields: TNTServerSessionsFieldSet = [fClientName]);
  i, E, ResumeHandle,
    TotalEntries, EntriesRead: DWORD;
  pSessBuffer: pointer;
  pIncSess: PSessionInfoStruc;
  pszServer: array[0..128] of WideChar;
  Data: string;

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    pSessBuffer := nil;
    if SessionFields = [] then
      SessionFields := [fClientName];
    ResumeHandle := 0;
    E := FNetSessionEnum(StringToWideChar(MachineName, pszServer, 129), nil,
      nil, 502, pSessBuffer, -1, EntriesRead, TotalEntries,
    if E = 0 then
      pIncSess := pSessBuffer;

      for i := 1 to EntriesRead do
        Data := '';
        if fClientName in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncSess^.ses_cname);
        if fUserName in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncSess^.ses_username);
        if fNumOpens in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncSess^.ses_numopens);
        if fTimeActive in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncSess^.ses_time);
        if fIdleTime in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncSess^.ses_idletime);

        if fUserFlag in SessionFields then
          case pIncSess^.ses_userflags of
            SESS_GUEST: Data := Data + ';' + 'GUEST';
            SESS_NOENCRYPTION: Data := Data + ';' + 'NO ENCRYPTION';
            Data := Data + ';' + 'NONE';

        if fClientType in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncSess^.ses_cltypename);
        if fTransport in SessionFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncSess^.ses_transport);

        delete(Data, 1, 1);

    if pSessBuffer <> nil then


// =============================================================================
// TNTServerSessions
// =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerOpenFiles.Create;
  FLibHandle := LoadLibrary('NETAPI32.DLL');

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    @FNetFileEnum := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetFileEnum');
    @FNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetApiBufferFree');


destructor TNTServerOpenFiles.Destroy;
  if FLibHandle <> 0 then

  inherited Destroy;

procedure TNTServerOpenFiles.OpenFiles(const Machinename: string;
  StringList: TStrings;
  OpenFileFields: TNTServerOpenFileFieldSet = [fPathName]);
  i, E, ResumeHandle,
    TotalEntries, EntriesRead: DWORD;
  pFileBuffer: pointer;
  pIncBuff: PFileInfoStruc;
  pszServer: array[0..128] of WideChar;
  Perm, Data: string;

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    pFileBuffer := nil;
    if OpenFileFields = [] then
      OpenFileFields := [fPathName];
    ResumeHandle := 0;
    E := FNetFileEnum(StringToWideChar(MachineName, pszServer, 129), nil,
      nil, 3, pFileBuffer, -1, EntriesRead, TotalEntries,
    if E = 0 then
      pIncBuff := pFileBuffer;

      for i := 1 to EntriesRead do
        Data := '';

        if fPathName in OpenFileFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncBuff^.f_pathname);
        if fUser in OpenFileFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncBuff^.f_username);
        if fFileID in OpenFileFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncBuff^.f_id);

        if fPermissions in OpenFileFields then
          Perm := '';
          if (PERM_FILE_READ and pIncBuff^.f_permissions) = PERM_FILE_READ then
            Perm := 'R'
            Perm := '-';

          if (PERM_FILE_WRITE and pIncBuff^.f_permissions) = PERM_FILE_WRITE then
            Perm := Perm + 'W'
            Perm := Perm + '-';

          if (PERM_FILE_CREATE and pIncBuff^.f_permissions) = PERM_FILE_CREATE then
            Perm := Perm + 'C'
            Perm := Perm + '-';

          Data := Data + ';' + Perm;

        if fNumLocks in OpenFileFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncBuff^.f_NumLocks);

        delete(Data, 1, 1);

    if pFileBuffer <> nil then


// =============================================================================
// TNTServerGroups
// =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerGroups.Create;
  FLibHandle := LoadLibrary('NETAPI32.DLL');

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    @FNetGroupEnum := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetGroupEnum');
    @FNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetApiBufferFree');


destructor TNTServerGroups.Destroy;
  if FLibHandle <> 0 then

  inherited Destroy;

procedure TNTServerGroups.GroupNames(const Machinename: string;
  StringList: TStrings;
  GroupFields: TNTServerGroupsFieldSet = [fGroupName]);
  i, E, ResumeHandle,
    TotalEntries, EntriesRead: DWORD;
  pGroupBuffer: pointer;
  pIncBuff: PGroupInfoStruc;
  pszServer: array[0..128] of WideChar;
  Data: string;

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    pGroupBuffer := nil;
    if GroupFields = [] then
      GroupFields := [fGroupName];
    ResumeHandle := 0;
    E := FNetGroupEnum(StringToWideChar(MachineName, pszServer, 129),
      2, pGroupBuffer, -1, EntriesRead, TotalEntries,
    if E = 0 then
      pIncBuff := pGroupBuffer;

      for i := 1 to EntriesRead do
        Data := '';

        if fGroupName in GroupFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncBuff^.g_name);
        if fComment in GroupFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + WideCharToString(pIncBuff^.g_comment);
        if fGroupID in GroupFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncBuff^.g_id);
        if fAttributeFlag in GroupFields then
          Data := Data + ';' + IntToStr(pIncBuff^.g_attributes);

        delete(Data, 1, 1);

    if pGroupBuffer <> nil then


// =============================================================================
// TNTServerDisks
// =============================================================================

constructor TNTServerDisks.Create;
  FLibHandle := LoadLibrary('NETAPI32.DLL');

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    @FNetServerDiskEnum := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetServerDiskEnum');
    @FNetApiBufferFree := GetProcAddress(FLibHandle, 'NetApiBufferFree');


destructor TNTServerDisks.Destroy;
  if FLibHandle <> 0 then

  inherited Destroy;

procedure TNTServerDisks.DiskNames(const Machinename: string;
  StringList: TStrings);
  i, E, ResumeHandle,
    TotalEntries, EntriesRead: DWORD;
  pDiskBuffer: pointer;
  pIncBuff: PDiskInfoStruc;
  pszServer: array[0..128] of WideChar;

  if FLibHandle <> 0 then
    pDiskBuffer := nil;
    ResumeHandle := 0;
    E := FNetServerDiskEnum(StringToWideChar(MachineName, pszServer, 129),
      0, pDiskBuffer, -1, EntriesRead, TotalEntries,
    if E = 0 then
      pIncBuff := pDiskBuffer;

      for i := 1 to EntriesRead do

    if pDiskBuffer <> nil then


// =============================================================================
// GetServerResources()
// Return ';' delimted list of Resources from
// a given starting point '' enums from ROOT
// Return String Format
// 'Name;Object;Type;Status;Provider;Comment'
// =============================================================================

procedure GetServerResources(const RootObject: string;
  StringList: TStrings;
  RecursiveEnum: boolean;
  ResourceTypes: TNTServerResSet = [resAny]);
  NetResource: TNetResource;
  SaveRecurse: boolean;
  RootName: string;

  procedure RecurseResources(Pnr: PNetResource);
    Buffer: pointer;
    FHandle: THandle;
    i, E, NumEntries, BuffSize: DWORD;
    Data: string;
    Ok: boolean;
    IsRoot: boolean;
    IsRoot := (Pnr.lpLocalName = nil);
    BuffSize := $4000;

    if E = NO_ERROR then
      // Get required size - force errors and value => BuffSize
      GetMem(Buffer, BuffSize);
      while true do
        NumEntries := $FFFFFFFF;
        E := WNetEnumResource(FHandle, NumEntries, Buffer, BuffSize);
        if (E <> NO_ERROR) then
          break; // No more items or error
        Pnr := Buffer;

        for i := 1 to NumEntries do
          Ok := false;
          if IsRoot then
            Ok := true;

          if resAny in ResourceTypes then
            Ok := true
            if (resPrinter in ResourceTypes) and
              (Pnr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_PRINT) then
              Ok := true;
            if (resDisk in ResourceTypes) and
              (Pnr.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK) then
              Ok := true;
            if (resServer in ResourceTypes) and
              (Pnr.dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) and
              ((Pnr.dwType <> RESOURCETYPE_DISK) and
              (Pnr.dwType <> RESOURCETYPE_PRINT)) then
              Ok := true;
            if (resDomain in ResourceTypes) and
              (Pnr.dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN) and
              ((Pnr.dwType <> RESOURCETYPE_DISK) and
              (Pnr.dwType <> RESOURCETYPE_PRINT)) then
              Ok := true;

          if Ok then
            Data := Pnr.lpRemoteName + ';';

            case Pnr.dwDisplayType of
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN: Data := Data + 'DOMAIN;';
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC: Data := Data + 'OTHER;';
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER: Data := Data + 'SERVER;';
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE: Data := Data + 'SHARE;';
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_FILE: Data := Data + 'FILE;';
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GROUP: Data := Data + 'GROUP;';
              RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_TREE: Data := Data + 'TREE;';
              Data := Data + 'UNKNOWN;';

            case Pnr.dwType of
              RESOURCETYPE_ANY: Data := Data + 'OTHER;';
              RESOURCETYPE_DISK: Data := Data + 'DISK;';
              RESOURCETYPE_PRINT: Data := Data + 'PRINTER;';
              Data := Data + 'UNKNOWN;';

            case Pnr.dwUsage of
              RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER: Data := Data + 'CONTAINER;';
              RESOURCEUSAGE_SIBLING: Data := Data + 'SIBLING;';
              RESOURCEUSAGE_ATTACHED: Data := Data + 'ATTACHED;';
              Data := Data + 'UNKNOWN;';

            Data := Data + Pnr.lpProvider + ';';
            Data := Data + Pnr.lpComment;

          if RecursiveEnum and
            ((Pnr.dwUsage and RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER) > 0) then

          inc(Longint(Pnr), SizeOf(TNetResource));


  Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
  Fillchar(NetResource, SizeOf(TNetResource), 0);
  NetResource.dwScope := RESOURCE_GLOBALNET;
  NetResource.lpRemoteName := PChar(RootObject);
  SaveRecurse := RecursiveEnum;

  // if RootObject is '' then getfirst entry
  if RootObject = '' then
    RecursiveEnum := false;
    if (StringList.Count > 0) then
      RootName := copy(StringList[0], 1, pos(';', StringList[0]) - 1);
      Fillchar(NetResource, SizeOf(TNetResource), 0);
      NetResource.dwScope := RESOURCE_GLOBALNET;
      NetResource.dwUsage := RESOURCEUSAGE_RESERVED;
      NetResource.dwDisplayType := RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_NETWORK;
      NetResource.lpRemoteName := PChar(RootName);
    RecursiveEnum := SaveRecurse;

  Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

// ================================================
// Validate Username,Domain and Password logon
// ================================================

function ValidateUserLogon(const UserName: string;
  const Domain: string;
  const PassWord: string): boolean;
  Retvar: boolean;
  LHandle: THandle;

  Retvar := LogonUser(PChar(UserName), PChar(Domain), PChar(PassWord),
  if Retvar then
  Result := Retvar;


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