
Determine the graphic format of a file (Views: 27)


Is it possible to determine the graphic format of a file without the use of the extension, e.g. given a extension-less file, is it possible to determine whether it is BMP, JPEG or some other file that we can determine using some signature for that type?


You can determine it without extention. Below is a function that reads the file header and determines the type.

function PhysicalResolveFileType(AStream: TStream): Integer;
  p: PChar;
  Result := 0;
  if not Assigned(AStream) then
  GetMem(p, 10);
    AStream.Position := 0;
    AStream.Read(p[0], 10);
    {bitmap format}
    if (p[0] = #66) and (p[1] = #77) then
      Result := 1;
    {tiff format}
    if ((p[0] = #73) and (p[1] = #73) and (p[2] = #42) and (p[3] = #0)) or
      ((p[0] = #77) and (p[1] = #77) and (p[2] = #42) and (p[3] = #0)) then
      Result := 2;
    {jpg format}
    if (p[6] = #74) and (p[7] = #70) and (p[8] = #73) and (p[9] = #70) then
      Result := 3;
    {png format}
    if (p[0] = #137) and (p[1] = #80) and (p[2] = #78) and (p[3] = #71) and
      (p[4] = #13) and (p[5] = #10) and (p[6] = #26) and (p[7] = #10) then
      Result := 4;
    {dcx format}
    if (p[0] = #177) and (p[1] = #104) and (p[2] = #222) and (p[3] = #58) then
      Result := 5;
    {pcx format}
    if p[0] = #10 then
      Result := 6;
    {emf format}
    if (p[0] = #215) and (p[1] = #205) and (p[2] = #198) and (p[3] = #154) then
      Result := 7;
    {emf format}
    if (p[0] = #1) and (p[1] = #0) and (p[2] = #0) and (p[3] = #0) then
      Result := 7;

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