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registered: 05.01.2017
29.03.2018, 11:03 offline quote 

Cruising through a city by river lends a new perspective. From a small boat low in the water, gleaming towers seem taller. Rather than being anonymous amid its streets,, you are gliding along a sparkling waterway,cheap jordans free shipping, welcomed by strangers waving from bridges. Sailing beneath the central arch of Tower Bridge is an unforgettable way to enter London.

There are countless tourist boats plying the Thames on which you can sit with dozens of others, but if you wish to experience something more personal, with tea and freshly baked cakes provided while you cruise (and dinner and bed at the end of the day), then you might want to consider a hotel narrowboat.

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Since 2015, when a hired narrowboat and its occupants had to be rescued by a lifeboat, the Port of London Authority has banned all such vessels from the tidal Thames between Limehouse Basin and Brentford. The only holiday narrowboat of any kind licensed to cruise this stretch is the five-star, wide-beam hotel narrowboat Kailani, owned by skipper Gordon and multitasking cook and first mate Dorenda.

A fine boat it is too. One of my fellow passengers was a man in his eighties who has been on more than 40 narrowboat trips in his lifetime, having first hired one for a holiday back in 1949.

The boat departs Limehouse Basin before heading onto the Thames

Credit: ALAMY

“Kailani is the most luxurious of the lot,” he said authoritatively, mainly because of the amount of space available per passenger. Kailani is 12ft wide and 65ft long with two en suite guest cabins sleeping a maximum of four passengers.

On a sunny morning, with Gordon and Dorenda, Matt (our “Local Knowledge Expert”) and three other passengers, we donned regulation life-jackets and set off from Limehouse Basin in east London. In the 19th century, when it was known as Regent’s Canal Dock, this was packed with barges transferring cargo between the Thames and the canals.

Kailani is 12ft wide and 65ft long

What would those bargees think of us now? Cruising the waterways for pleasure! In 200 years, will holidaymakers pay to motor around the M25 in lorries, savouring life at 70mph?

We were on day three of a four-day “London Ring” trip from Little Venice, down the Regent’s Canal to Limehouse Basin, along the Thames to Brentford and back to Little Venice by canal. Kailani had already cruised southeastwards through London on the canal, past the zoo in Regent’s Park and through Camden Town, and now we were cruising westwards by river.

We left Limehouse lock on an incoming tide. The first bridge we passed under was Tower Bridge, an impressive start. Next we cruised past HMS Belfast and the Tate Modern, and as we approached Westminster, the river was busy with boats. “There’s more traffic on the Thames than there used to be,” said Matt as I joined him and Gordon on the back deck: river buses, tourist boats and barges carrying building materials and containers churned past.

“This river’s not for the faint-hearted,” said Gordon at the tiller, being directed by Matt as to which arch to take under Lambeth Bridge, while an enormous barge towing some kind of crane contraption made a turn. It’s no surprise that holiday hire boats, which can be steered by anyone with no licence required, have been banned from this busy stretch.

The best place from which to enjoy the sights was seated on deck in the bows, with no engine noise and any city sounds, such as the odd wail of a siren, shushed by the bow moving through the water.

Cruising under Tower Bridge is a notable highlight


We were lucky with the weather and there was no wind. Waves mostly came from pedestrians on bridges, although a passing police launch rocked us on its swell.

Guessing bridge names became our new game. We were self-guided when it came to sightseeing, referring to guidebooks. After Putney Bridge, the river wears a different outfit, disrobed of high buildings and lined by trees and rowing clubs. Herons nest in willows near Brentford Lock where, three hours after leaving Limehouse, we entered with the help of a lock-keeper.

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We had cruised just 15 miles with nothing to do but drink it all in. Now, back on the canal system, we stopped for a light lunch then cruised off into the sunset on the Grand Union Canal, helping with six locks on the Hanwell flight before mooring up for the night.

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This could potentially result in ... for millions of families while the CMA introduced new measures to encourage switching,,cheap wholesale jordans.

But the price cap idea prompted a backlash from industry and some consumer groups, which argued it would stifle competition as households would see no point shopping around if the standard tariffs were regulated.
The CMA has now put forward another proposal, based on suggestions from energy giants British Gas and ScottishPower, to phase out indefinite standard tariffs altogether. All tariffs would instead have a fixed term contract,cheap jordans, for example of one year.

"Testing this proposal to see if an annual prompt would make people switch has merit but this alone will not fix the broken energy market."

Richard Lloyd, Which?

Customers would receive a letter telling them when their contract was coming to an end and prompting them to shop around for a new deal,cheap authentic jordans.
Those who failed to do so would be put onto a one-year default tariff, which the suppliers propose they would set themselves, and would be sent repeat reminders to switch.
The CMA suggests this could be an "effective" way to encourage more people to engage with the market,,
However, its consultation makes clear it has concerns about the fate of those who still failed to engage despite the prompts. It questions whether the plan would be enough to protect such households "from paying high prices".
It is consulting on whether energy suppliers should be "required to provide contact details for all standard variable tariff customers", or for "those who have been on the default tariff for several years in a row", to Ofgem,cheap jordans for sale, the energy regulator, which could then "seek to contact them with further prompts".
Suppliers could even be "required to place the contact details of these customers on a shared database, available to all licensed energy suppliers, in order to allow targeted marketing to these customers", it suggests.

The CMA also suggests the default tariffs could be labelled "emergency" tariffs,jordans for cheap, although it acknowledges a risk that customers who receive "end of contract" letters may fear their energy supplies will actually be cut off.
The watchdog was originally due to conclude its investigation and issue its final proposals to reform the sector by Christmas,cheap jordan shoes, but announced in September it was delaying by up to six months.
It is now expected to make a provisional decision on which reforms it will recommend in January.
British Gas said it was opposed to the data sharing idea. "As a principle we do not believe customers should be contacted without consent," a spokesman said.
"Our research suggests the vast majority of customers would prefer not to receive unsolicited prompts from other suppliers and third parties, so to force them all to do so would be highly contentious and could lead to distrust and disengagement.”
Richard Lloyd, executive director of consumer group Which? said: "Testing this proposal to see if an annual prompt would make people switch has merit but this alone will not fix the broken energy market.
"We want the CMA's inquiry to bring forward radical changes to boost competition, introduce fairer prices and encourage more households to switch to better deals."
A Department of Energy and Climate Change spokesperson said: “It is this Government’s priority to ensure we have a competitive and effective energy market for hardworking families and businesses.
“We fully support the CMA's investigation into the energy markets and look forward to their final recommendations which are expected in the first half of next year.”
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