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27.03.2018, 11:13 - kciksookk - Rank 6 - 563 Posts
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Nicolas Maduro has revealed a plan to combat Venezuela's food crisis by encouraging people to breed rabbits for meat,,, but acknowledged a "setback" when participants in a pilot project adopted the bunnies as pets.

Unveiling "Plan Rabbit",cheap authentic jordans,jordan shoes,, the Venezuelan president described it as an "extremely good" initiative to provide an alternative source of animal protein,cheap retro jordans,cheap wholesale jordans,,cheap jordans, "because rabbits breed like... rabbits."

The scheme - designed to resist the "economic war" Mr Maduro says is being waged by the "empire" - had however suffered teething difficulties,

The minister for urban agriculture,jordans for cheap,cheap jordans free shipping,,cheap jordans online, Freddy Bernal,cheap jordans free shipping, had handed out baby rabbits to 15 communities as part of a trial,cheap jordan shoes, Mr Maduro recounted to much laughter from assembled ministers.

"When he returned, surprise! The people had the bunnies with little bows and they were keeping them as pets,jordan shoes,,cheap jordans for sale,," he said.

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro revealed the plan during a meeting with ministers

Credit: Reuters

Mr Bernal blamed a "cultural problem," explaining to Tuesday's cabinet meeting: "A lot of people give names to rabbits, put on a bow, they take it to their house, they take the rabbit to sleep in their bed."

But, he insisted, Venezuelans must adjust their attitudes towards rabbits and see them "from the point of view of the economic war".

Pet rabbit Lola is pictured at her cage in an apartment in Caracas, Venezuela

Credit: Reuters

Outlining his plan to reposition the rabbit's image, Mr Bernal said "we need a publicity campaign on radio, TV, in newspapers, in cartoons, everywhere, so that the people understand that rabbits aren't pets but two and a half kilos of meat".

Venezuelans "have been induced to eat what interests the Empire" but needed to change their patterns of consumption, Mr Bernal said, adding that goats could also be a useful alternative to cows, while pigeon peas could be substituted for animal grain.

Venezuelans have rushed to Colombia to buy food and medicines amid national shortages

Credit: AFP

Henrique Capriles, an opposition leader, branded the announcement "a bad joke". "You are those responsible for this food crisis; if you can't solve this problem then go once and for all."

Lands expropriated by the government were today in disuse, Mr Capriles insisted, while the businesses it had seized had gone bankrupt. "Do you think the Venezuelans are stupid? We are not," he said.

Venezuela's food crisis has caused record levels of child malnutrition and reduced many to rifling through rubbish bins in search of something to eat. A survey earlier this year indicated that 75 per cent of Venezuelans have lost an average of 19lb as the country plunges into economic collapse.

Millions have left Venezuela in search of a living, many of them into neighbouring Colombia. Not even government forces have been exempt: in August, a group of Venezuelan soldiers reportedly crossed the border into Guyana and robbed an indigenous community of food. Zoo animals have been stolen and slaughtered for meat.

Mr Maduro blames the economic crisis on opposition "sabotage" and imperial aggression. But analysts largely attribute it to a chaotic system of currency controls which has led to rampant inflation - currently around 700 percent - and shortages of the imports on which the country so heavily relies. State price caps have also forced many producers to close.

The I'm A Celebrity contestants put their faith in new campmate Kezia Dugdale and voted her as their jungle Prime Minister as she took on her first task.
In the trial, celebrities chose their preferred candidate?and the ones who chose the winner of the trial were allocated the comfortable camp and a delicious meal - while those who backed the loser had to sleep on the floor and survive on rice and beans.
However, despite losing all the votes, comedian Iain Lee bested the former Scottish Labour leader in the trial?causing her to lose the "election" - and let down her campmates.
Things were looking up for Ms Dugdale after she faced rage from the public for abandoning her constituents for up to a month as she entered camp; she won all the votes and appeared to be popular among campmates.
After losing the trial, however, and disappointing those who put their faith in her, Ms?Dugdale's first day in camp couldn't have gone worse.
The former Scottish Labour leader said she was excited to tell the camp about the Labour party - but ended up smelling of animal entrails and chicken dung as she complained about the taste of her ration of rice and beans.