Object Model

This page enlists the implemented object model based on the considerations written in the introduction to the Life Game program.

States of the cells

Is the cell
How long is it excluded from the game? Symbol Russian name Background color Additional parameters
No From its start to stop unlivable неудобная black none
From the death of its inhabitant to the end of the game deserted пустыннaя yellow none
From the death of its inhabitant during a given number of generations poisoned отравленнaя red The level of intoxication. It decreases from a positive value characteristic for the dead species to 1. If it has decreased to 1 then the state of the cell in the next generation becomes "empty".
Yes It is not excluded from the game empty свободная white none
In the saved Initial.csv and Final.csv files:
On the screen: обитаемая and a user-defined name.
The default of the name of the first species is амёба
default of 1st=blue
default of 2nd=green
  1. unique symbol
  2. life stage
  3. o_sex

Properties of the organisms

This implementation allows to compete more species for the living territory, and it knows life stages of them selectable from a preset list. The sex of the organism may be omitted from the calculations or it may be considered. The organisms may have passive and active life stages, too.


English symbol Character* Russian name Is it default?
missing оставшийся Yes
female самка No
male самец No
hermaphrodite ¤ гермафродит No
* A single character is displayed within the cells instead of the long Russian names.

The life stages of the species

The species may have the following life stages. The default is the "missing". The life stages have derived properties
  1. productivity,
  2. activity.
These derived properties are important in
  • the birth of the new organisms in empty places,
  • the feed chain,
  • respectively:
  • The sterile neighbors do not take part in the determination of the sex of the organism born in an empty cell.
  • The life stage of the predator must be active.

  • Life stage Productivity Activity
    Order English symbol Character* Russian name English name Character* Russian name English symbol Character* Russian name
    0 egg я яйцо sterile Ø бесплодное passive пассивный
    1 larva л личинка sterile Ø бесплодное active активный
    2 pupa к куколка sterile Ø бесплодное passive пассивный
    3 imago И имаго sexual половое active активный
    4 kid д детёныш sterile Ø бесплодное active активный
    5 grown_up В взрослый agamic половое active активный
    6 adult Р развитый sexual половое active активный
    7 old У устаренный sterile Ø бесплодное active активный
    8 missing   остaвшийся agamic половое active активный
    * A single character is displayed within the cells instead of the long Russian names.

    The life time of the individual life stages of each species

    If a species has more than on life stages then all but the last one must have a life time expressed in positive count generations passed since its birth, or transition from its earlier stage to the present. The last or single life stage of a species may optionally have such a life time. If it is specified as unlimited then only the overall death rules expressed in count of neighbors kill the organism.

    The level of intoxication

    If an organism dies in a cell then the cells state for the next generation may be
    1. empty,
    2. poisoned for a certain number of generations,
    3. deserted for the rest of the game.

    Feed chain

    The user is allowed to define predator-prey relationships. These relationships have four parameters:
    1. Predator species
    2. Life stage of the predator
    3. Prey species
    4. Life stage of the prey