Validation of the Input of the Life Game Program

Integer and real controls

The integer and control send this dialog in order to correct the empty fields, the alien charactera into the digits, too low and two hight values.
Dialog Substitute
1 Previous accepted value
2 Default value
3 Minimal legal value
4 Maximal legal value
These dialogs have timeout. If the user does not click on one of their buttons the dialog is destroyed and the default value is selected.

Validation of the lookout of the playground

  1. Rectangular cells may be only in a rectangular territory.
  2. The size of the cells is rounded up the next multiple of 6 without prompting the user.
  3. The count of them must be odd in case of hexagonal territory.
  4. The product of the size of the cells and count of them is limited by the right rectangle of the screen.

Handling of multiple selections

Title of the dialog: "What do want to do with the selection?".
  1. Unselect all
  2. Reverse all
  3. Select all
  4. Unselect from ... to ... step ...
  5. Reverse from ... to ... step ...
  6. Select from ... to ...step ...
The last three answers invoke the dialog of periodic selection

where the user has to fill in the numeric parameters.

Validation and comparison of birth and death criteria

  1. From the criteria of the birth B'= B\M; D'=D'.
  2. From the criteria of the death D'= D\M; B'=B'.
  3. From both lists B'= B\M ; D'= D\M.

Entering and validation of competing species

The program allows to enter more competing species denoted by different foreground and background colors. The maximal number of species is restricted by the free styles on the SciLexer_NF control minus the number of prefixed colors for the different kind of non-inhabited cell states. Its current limit is equal to 23.
  1. The names of the species must not be empty.
  2. The background colors must be unique.
  3. The background colors must differ from the foreground colors.
  4. The white background is reserved for empty cells.
  5. The black background shows the area out of the playground.
  6. The red background is denotes the temporarily intoxicated cells.
  7. The yellow background means the forever deserted cells.
The user has to enter the name of the species and its foreground and background color. The program offers defaults.
Default names Default colors
3, 4, 5, ... в, г, д, ...

Life stages of the species

The species may have the following life stages. Each species is generated by the single default stage "missing". If this is enough the the used does not need to handle this group box.
The full sequence of the life stages
Order Symbol Russian name
0 egg яйцо
1 larva личинка
2 pupa куколка
3 imago имаго
4 kid детёныш
5 grown_up взрослый
6 adult развитый
7 old устаренный
8 missing остaвшийся
Typical sequence for an insect
Order Symbol Russian name Life time
0 egg яйцо 1
1 larva личинка 5
2 pupa куколка 2
3 imago имаго 2 -1 denoting unlimited
Typical sequence for a mammal
Order Symbol Russian name Life time
4 kid детёныш 3
6 adult развитый 20
7 old устаренный 2

Feed chain