Nó pai Índice

Expressões cômicos

28 de Janeiro, 2018

Comprar gato por lebre

EN:to buy a cat thinking it was a rabbit
Meaning: to be fooled.
HU:Eben gubát cserél.
Guba = casaco de pele para homens pobres.

Fazer alguém de gato e sapato

EN: to make someone a cat and shoe.
Meaning: to play with someone’s emotions or humiliate them.
HU: Bohócot csinál valakiből.

Matar dois coelhos com uma tacada/ cajadada só

EN:to kill two rabbits with just one shot
Equivalent: "to kill two birds with one stone"
HU: Két legyet egy csapásra.

Não ver um palmo diante do nariz

EN:to not see an inch in front of your nose.
HU: Nem látsz a szemedtől? Az orrod előtt van.

Cavalo dado não se olha os dentes

EN: Don’t look at a gift horse’s teeth
Equivalent: "don’t look a gift horse in the mouth"
HU: Ajándék lónak ne nézd a fogát! Szuvenír nyihaha nye kukuty protku!

Andar com o nariz empinado

EN: To walk with your nose high
Meaning: to be stuck up or conceited
HU: Fenn hordja az orrát.

Acertar na mosca

EN: To hit the fly
Equivalent: to hit the nail on the head / to hit the bulls-eye
HU: Eltaláltad.

Procurar pelo em ovo

EN: To look for a hair in an egg
Meaning: to look for problems where there aren’t any.
HU: Kákán csomót keres.

Chutar o pau da barraca

EN: to kick the tent pole
Equivalent: to throw in the towel
HU: Belebassza a bablevesbe a kanalat.

Enfiar o pé na jaca

EN:to put your feet in the jaca
Equivalent: three sheets to the wind
HU: Hadd lám Uram Isten, mire megyünk ketten! 1. 2.

Quebrar o galho

EN:to break the branch
Meaning: to do someone a small favor, often for a close friend. HU. Szívességet tesz.

Cara de pau

EN: wood face
Meaning: a brazen, shameless person
HU: Vastag bőr van a képén. Faszkalap. Görény.

Encher linguiça

EN:to stuff a sausage
Meaning: to talk on and on without really saying anything
HU: Mellébeszél.

Bater as botas

EN: to hit the boots
Equivalent: to kick the bucket
HU: Feldobja a talpát.