Today, we embark on a journey into the depths of Prolog, a potent logic programming language that often poses challenges for students seeking Prolog Programming Assignment Help. At, we recognize the complexities students face when grappling with Prolog assignments. Our team of experts excels in providing insightful solutions, and in this blog post, we unveil the secrets behind a master-level Prolog programming question.

Imagine a puzzle game where you have a 3x3 grid, and each cell can be either filled or empty. You are given the current state of the grid as a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row, and each element (0 or 1) represents the state of a cell (empty or filled).

Write a Prolog predicate valid_grid/1 that takes a 3x3 grid as input and checks whether the grid is valid. A grid is valid if it satisfies the following conditions:

Each row and each column must contain an equal number of filled cells (1s).
Each row and each column must contain an equal number of empty cells (0s).
No two rows or columns should be the same.
Your predicate should return true if the grid is valid and false otherwise.

Additionally, provide a Prolog query to find all valid 3x3 grids.

Explain your solution and include any helper predicates you might need.

To solve this problem, we can define a Prolog predicate valid_grid/1 that checks whether a given 3x3 grid satisfies the specified conditions. We can use helper predicates to perform various checks on rows, columns, and uniqueness.

Here is a possible solution:

% Helper predicate to count the number of filled cells in a row
count_filled(Row, Count) :-
include(=(1), Row, Filled),
length(Filled, Count).

% Helper predicate to count the number of empty cells in a row
count_empty(Row, Count) :-
include(=(0), Row, Empty),
length(Empty, Count).

% Helper predicate to check if two lists are different
lists_different(List1, List2) :-
\+ (List1 = List2).

% Helper predicate to transpose a matrix
transpose([], []).
transpose([F|Fs], Ts) :-
transpose(F, [F|Fs], Ts).

transpose([], _, []).
transpose([_|Rs], Ms, [Ts|Tss]) :-
lists_firsts_rests(Ms, Ts, Ms1),
transpose(Rs, Ms1, Tss).

% Predicate to check if a grid is valid
valid_grid(Grid) :-
% Check rows
forall(member(Row, Grid), (
count_filled(Row, FilledCount),
count_empty(Row, EmptyCount),
FilledCount = EmptyCount

% Check columns (by transposing the grid)
transpose(Grid, Transposed),
forall(member(Column, Transposed), (
count_filled(Column, FilledCount),
count_empty(Column, EmptyCount),
FilledCount = EmptyCount

% Check uniqueness of rows and columns
forall(select(R1, Grid, Rest), (
forall(member(R2, Rest), lists_different(R1, R2))
forall(select(C1, Transposed, RestTransposed), (
forall(member(C2, RestTransposed), lists_different(C1, C2))

% Prolog query to find all valid 3x3 grids
?- valid_grid(Grid), writeln(Grid).


count_filled/2 and count_empty/2 are helper predicates to count the number of filled and empty cells in a row, respectively.

lists_different/2 is a helper predicate to check if two lists are different.

transpose/2 is a helper predicate to transpose a matrix (swap rows with columns).

The main predicate valid_grid/1 checks the validity of the grid by ensuring that each row and column have an equal number of filled and empty cells, and all rows and columns are different.

The Prolog query ?- valid_grid(Grid), writeln(Grid). is used to find and print all valid 3x3 grids.

Note: The solution assumes that the input grid is a list of lists representing rows. Adjustments may be needed if the input format is different.

In conclusion, Prolog is a fascinating language with unique problem-solving capabilities, and the Sudoku solver presented here is just a glimpse into its potential. At, we are committed to guiding students through these challenges, providing them with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in their programming journey.

If you find yourself grappling with Prolog assignments or wish to explore the depths of logic programming further, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our expert assistance is just a click away!