



Full documentation and support of Maker4D is available only for licensed costumers.
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How Maker4D works?

Do you even wondered about a game maker engine that requires no programming, no scripting, no modelling, and you somehow still can make the games of your dreams? Maker4D is created just to satisfy these demands. Maker4D automatically constructs the levels, the playable characters and the game itself. Maker4D allows you to create games like Final Fantasy or Alone in the Dark. To make a room, simply create a directory, and put the image files into it - Maker4D automatically creates the room for you. You can move nort, south, west, east from this room to other rooms.

How to make rooms?

The game scene space works like this:

<-- WestEast -->

X coordinate is the first, then Y folows. The room you begin the game, is 1000_1000. Every room is a different directory in the file system. So the game begins in the directory 1000_1000. This means that the room in the north is 1000_1001. The room to the south is 1000_999.


If you are in the room 1000_1000, then you can move to north, south, west, and east automatically (if those rooms exist too). The game operates in the data subdirectory. Your rooms (maps) go there. So the starting directory will be the data\map\1000_1000\.

How to 2D works
-Put the background as background.jpg or background.png as the wallpaper of the given room (for example: data\map\1000_1000\background.jpg).

-Create text.txt to display a message that belongs to the room.

-Put avatar.png or avatar.jpg to display a picture together with the text. (If you want to be extra fast, you may use third party AI based services to generate anime avatars for the characters, such as Waifu Camp or Waifu Faucet)

-Text files accept international characters in UTF-8 format.

-You can create north.txt, south.txt, west.txt or east.txt to override the default direction texts (for example: Go to the room or Open the fridge)

-item.txt contains the item you can pick up. They description folows in new line.

-gameover.txt - create and write 1 in it if entering the map results a game over. Write 2 in it, if its a positive end (and so the game not restarts).

-teleport.txt teleports to a map specified by x coordinate (new line) then y coordinate.

-teleport_if_item_exists.txt: contains x coordinate, new line, y coordinate, new line, name of item. It teleports only if the item exists.

-music.ogg is the background music of the given map. It will be looped. You can export ogg files with Audacity. Mp3 files are not supported. The music will continue to play bethwen maps.

-music2.ogg is the secondary background music (like a printer in the background). By using music2_no_loop.txt the loop of this can be supressed. This music will not be continued to loop bethwen maps.

-stopmusic.txt stops all music.

Yes, this is how the 2D part works. This engine requires no programming to handle.

How to control the 2D battle system

-Create enemy subdirectory within the directory of the room.

-enemy/text.txt it a text file, it will be displayed during the fight (like: Filty succubus appeared and attempted to temp me!).

-HP always starts at 100. Both your, both the HP of the enemy.

-enemy/enemy.png picture of the enemy.

-enemy/attackname1.txt, attackname2.txt ...... attackname5.txt: These files describing the attacks.
First line is the name of action (for example: ,,i kick him/her'') is the description of the caused action (for example: You attempted to kick him, but he grabbed your leg, and pounched you).
The second line is the enemy HP loss, for example: 10
Then your HP loss, like: 20
If you write -1 to both of the life points, then the action is interpreted as escape. In this case you need twoo more lines to describe the X and the Y coordinate of room where you are escaping to!

-You can have multiple hero. enemy\hero2_attackname1.txt, hero2_attackname2.txt, etc, respectively. You can have 4 hero.

-Each hero can have its own avatar: enemy\hero_avatar.png, enemy\hero2_avatar.png, hero3_avatar.png, etc (jpg files are allowed too).

-enemy\hidehp.txt will hide the health bar of the enemy.

-One room can only have one enemy!

-enemy\music.ogg is the background music of the fight.

-enemy\teleport_on_win.txt will teleport you to the specified map if you win (x, new line, y).

Yes, this was the documentation of the battle system (in 2D)!

How to enter 3D more?

It is possible to learn how Maker4D works by just checking the directories and files in the example game. Full documentation and support is available only for licensed costumers.

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