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Emily Gilmore - Kelly Bishop
  Emily Gilmore karaktere  

Lorelai anyja (mh: Földi Teri)

A legjobbat szeretné lányának, sajnos lánya önállóan szeretne boldogulni. Amikor Lorelai-nak pénzre van szüksége, Emily biztosítani szeretné, hogy elérje a mindig áhított családi összetartozást.
  Emily Gilmore, played by Kelly Bishop, is the mother of Lorelai and grandmother to Rory. Emily had very limited contact with her daughter for most of her adult life, and though they have gotten to know each other better as adults, they still have a somewhat strained relationship. One constant source of discord between them involves the matter of Christopher Hayden, Rory's father. Despite Chris's shortcomings, Emily always pushed Lorelai to pursue a relationship with him in their adulthood, so that their family can finally be together, only to be frustrated as either Lorelai or Christopher failed to take the necessary steps to make it happen. Emily always dotes on Rory (she being their only grandchild), however, and she and Richard made it financially possible for Rory to attend the exclusive Chilton Preparatory school as well as Yale University.

Emily was raised by a strict social code and graduated from Smith College, lived in Talbot House, with a degree in history. She has a sister named Hope, who lives in Paris. Since her marriage, she has dedicated herself to furthering her husband Richard's career. As a result, she spends much of her time arranging charity events, and she is very concerned with propriety and appearances. She is difficult to please, and is incapable of keeping a maid very long no matter how well she pays them. They quit or are fired in rapid succession for reasons like singing or walking too heavily. Many people have judged her to be a snobbish, haughty and highly opinionated woman. There is a softer, more caring side to Emily, but it is often obscured by her aforementioned snobbish persona.

Emily is heavily involved in Hartford society. Besides being a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, she is also a member of the Symphony Fundraising Committee, the President of the Horticultural Society, and a Co-Chair of the Starlight Foundation. She is a board member on the Hartford Zoological Silent Auction, the Mark Twain House Restoration Fund Luncheon, and the Harriet Beecher Stowe Literacy Auction.

In season 4 it is revealed that Richard had been having yearly lunches with Pennilyn Lott (his ex-girlfriend) since his marriage to Emily, which damages her marriage with Richard, almost leading to divorce. Emily and Richard were separated during Season 5, and Emily even tries dating another man. Though the date went well, it primarily makes Emily realize how much she misses Richard. They soon reconcile and renew their vows.

In Season 6 Emily and Richard take Rory into their house after she drops out of Yale and has been arguing with Lorelai. When Rory moves out again, she gets into a conflict with her grandparents, and her grandmother in particular, partly because Rory feels controlled by Emily, just like her mother had many years earlier. Emily is very upset and describes it as being how she felt when Lorelai had left years earlier.

Some of the issues that had to be worked out were somehow solved in episode 6.13 "Friday Night's Alright for Fighting", but things still are not completely all right between them. When the series ends and Rory goes off to begin a reporting career, Emily believes that their routine Friday night dinners will end since Lorelai and Rory no longer need her money for any tuition. However, Lorelai tells her mother that she will continue going to dinner every Friday night, implying that she will maintain a friendly relationship with her parents.
  Kelly Bishop életrajza  

Született: 1944. február 28. Colorado Springs (Colorado)
Magassága: 170 cm
Nálunk vetített filmje: Intim részek (1997), Dirty Dancing (1987), Pokoli hétvége, Esküdt ellenségek

Kelly Bishop nagy multú színésznő, számos emlékezetes film-, televíziós és színpadi szerepet mintázott meg, amióta a broadway-i musical siker, a Tánckar eredeti szereposztásában kiemelkedő alakítást nyújtott.
Tősgyökeres colorado-i, Denverben nőtt fel, ahol balett táncosnak tanult. 18 éves korában New York-ba veszi az útját és az egész évben játszó Radio City Music Hall balett társulatának táncosaként megkapja első munkáját.
A nagy áttörés akkor következik be számára, amikor megkapja a Tánckar szexis, szókimondó Sheila szerepét. Kiemelkedő alakításáért Tony- és Drama Desk díjakat nyert, ekkor bizonyosodik meg affelől, hogy tényleg elhagyja a nagy sikerű eredeti társulatot és Los Angelesbe költözzön, hogy drámai színészként folytassa pályáját.
Nem kell sokat várni, amikor Paul Mazursky filmdarabjában, az An Unmarried Woman-ban Jill Clayburgh partnereként kap szerepet. Számos darabban több híres sztár "anyját" játszotta még: Jennifer Grey anyja a Dirty Dancing kasszasikerben, Howard Stern anyja a Betty Thomas által rendezett vígjátékban, az Intim részek-ben (Private Parts) és Tobey Maguire anyja a Wonder Boys - Pokoli hétvégében.
A TV-ben Bishop játszott a Mike Nichols féle The Thorns-ban, illetve Lisa Ann Walter anyját játssza a My Wildest Dreams show-ban. Vendég szereplő az Esküdt ellenségek-ben (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) és a Murphy Brown-ban, és visszatérő szerepekben fordul elő az All My Children-ben, a One Life to Live-ben, az Another World-ben és az As the World Turns-ben.
Bishop számos nagy színházi alakításai közé tartozik a Broadway Hatszoros ölelés (Six Degrees of Separation) című darabjának, illetve Neil Simon Proposals darabjának, a Tony Award nyertes The Last Night of Ballyhoo, a Bus Stop és a Precious Sons főszerepe. Több regionális színházi és Broadway-n kívüli darabban is játszott.